Very insightful comments you've posted above! I was in a game earlier where we were up by about 20 kills. We just swept them during team fights and had total map control. I opted to push mid lane after an ace, but everyone else wanted to baron. I shielded, activated Riven's ULT for her AD steroid and proceeded to rush the tower. I got it down and we scored baron, oh yey!
What did we do with this baron buff? Absolutely nothing. I died in the process of pushing the outer turret into the base cause everybody else decided to roam the jungle and clear creeps. Granted, I was also at fault for pushing by myself but man... I'd just thought my constant pinging and baron buff would have made them more bawlsy and actually start pushing some turrets.
On the side note, finally got my 6300 IP. Pretty sure I'm getting Riven. I was going to go with Lee Sin, but I've already got a decent jungler, and I heard that he doesn't scale all too well into late game. A lot of people say she's pretty useless in teamfights, but others say she's a hypercarry-esque type of champion. I don't really care about all that, I just love the way she flows. Her outrageous scaling is also a plus
. Also, just curious, but which of the champions on LoL actually have the highest scaling ratios? I've seen stupidly scary Vaynes out there, ridiculous Talons and oooohh, don't get me started not Veigar.