Akali- Don't play her, don't like her, she's overrated and she got gunblade nerfed so fuck you Akali
Alistar- Radical brodacious beast, don't play him but I appreciate good Alistars
Amumu- Don't play him, hate seeing him on the other team, love seeing a good one on my team
Anivia- Passive is like Trynd's ult, not a devastating gamebreaker like some think but still really fucking irritating. Scary to lane against at low health because she gets a free towerdive.
Annie- Hate her hate her hate her. The closest lol has to a zero-skill champ.
Ashe- Used to play her, pretty indifferent. Still remember the glory days of level 10 Ashe mid every game meta
Blitzcrank- Don't like. Annoying, scary to lane against, passive makes me sad when it denies a kill
Brand- Used to play, don't like much, I kick his ass in lane because it's impossible to skillshot me if I'm not tired or distracted
Caitlyn- Lots of fun, very relaxing
Cassiopeia- Used to play, didn't understand why people thought she was so hard until I realized I couldn't actually play her (Needs very high APM to function in a teamfight, I couldn't cut it)
Cho'gath- moar liek Bro'gath. Walk all over pretty much anyone in top lane (Not Irelia though, don't cho against Irelia), nom people, and that haters gonna hate walk.
Corki- There's nothing to say about Corki.
Mundo- Funny but again, nothing to say
Eve- Oddly, Evelynn is actually really strong because the people who actually have the balls to play her and aren't trolling are inevitably crazy good
Ezreal- Female Indiana Jones. Don't play, don't see often, usually bads it up from what I've seen
Fiddlesticks- Another one I usually see badding it up. PLayed him a few times, didn't like. If Amumu and Fiddlesticks are on the enemy team I've mentally checked out before the game finishes loading
Galio- I remember more bad Galios than good Galios. Never played him, love the ult when he's good
Gangplank- Always badding it up, played him in Dominion and kicked ass, I like him even though people bad with him all the time
Garen- Jeez. Another one I always see badding the fuck out. Don't like him
Gragas- Seen him like, three times. Never impressed me
Graves- Is he still OP?
Heimerdinger- Inevitably has either BR or 420 in his username, inevitably bads it up
Irelia- i wub u irelia marry me. One of my favorite champs. Late game Irelia doesn't give a fuck
JANNAAAAJarvan- Apparently he's been nerfed. Almost picked him over Irelia, glad I didn't
Jax- Dearly departed slinger of gunblades. Will be missed. He died for our sins but his ult was up so he didn't take any damage
Karma- Impossible to lane against, otherwise bluh. Don't play her
Karthus- Like Brand, an easy win in lane because the bitch can't fuckin' hit me
Kassadin- Part of the reason I stopped blind picking.
Katarina- Guaranteed to bad it up. Usually a rager
Kayle- Only remember playing with one Kayle. I was Vayne and we fucked them up. Friended the player and he turned out to be godlike, getting double-kills as 2v1 top blitz like it wasn't no thang
Kennen- 0/5 Sword of the Occult Kennen is the reason I unfriended breadbocks. True story
Kog'maw- Played him a few times, didn't like him. He's annoying but super easy to kill if you can survive getting into melee
LeBonk- Always Brazilian. Never played her
Lee Sin- Played him a little bit, was okay, one of the last champs I played before quitting. He's awesome if you're good
Leona- Never played, she's okay
Lux- One of my favorite champs I've never played
Malphite- rock solid
Malzahar- My favorite champ ever. If you leave your lane for any reason, for any amount of time, Malzahar will be attacking your tower when you get back
Maokai- PLayed him once, badded it up. Ult never impressed me
Master Yi- The dunkmaster, and pretty much the poster child of bads badding it up
Miss Fortune- Who cares
Mordekaiser- Another casualty of the crying babies. I don't think it was as much that Morde was strong, but that Morde had some kind of hidden passive that made his opponents retarded. I once had my teammates bitch me out for buying QSS and tell me to buy Madred's Bloodrazor so I could kill the pure tank Morde with 250 MR and Thornmail. I was Caitlyn. I sold my QSS and bought bloodrazor to prove a point. He ghosted me, we instantly lost the game, point proven, totally worth it.
Morgana- Totally radical
Holy fuck I"m like halfway through. Fuck it, I'm done. My other favorite champs are Vayne, Urgot, and Nocturne, and I hate Sion because he's a shitty champ that somehow became fotm through what can only be a reptoid conspiracy. That's all there is to be said.