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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1270037 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5655 on: November 23, 2011, 01:13:37 pm »

Never thought of him as fulltime jungler. I usually pick him when we have quite beefy lanes, so I can leave my lane-partner alone while I roam for little bits.

Warding enemy jungle for an invasion, ganking lanes, gank behind lanes, fake roaming and kill in my own lane. It's just that I feel he only works in laning phase and fails when teams move 5 by 5.
League of Legends
EU-west: Wash


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5656 on: November 23, 2011, 01:21:40 pm »

Hue hue hue hue:
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I think we managed to snag a good clan tag. :P If anyone else wants to make a team you guys better do it soon. Clan tags must be unique and they're shared across all servers. So if someone in US took clan HUEHUE, no one else gets it.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5657 on: November 23, 2011, 01:27:37 pm »

Or people just learn how to counterbuild. I went through a stretch like that with Master Yi. Ran into a super-tanky Malphite that must've had armor out the wazoo and then proceeded to hunt me down the rest of the match. By the time I realized what was going on and tried to get some armor pen items, it was too late.

That's the odd thing, I keep checking people's builds, and noone builds armor. It's just like i'm suddenly doing 1/4 less damage for no apparent reason. It can't even be my runes bugging out, because I'm running a general page with only ArPen runes pertaining to damage :(

Oh Vayne, why am I not steamrolling with you anymore :(
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5658 on: November 23, 2011, 01:31:15 pm »

What level are you? If you're still just starting out, skill levels fluctuate quite dramatically. For example, a few games ago you might have been fighting people with no runes and no masteries. Then now you suddenly got sent up against a bunch of level 30s with full runes and masteries. It's a very huge difference.

If you're level 30 with 500 games under your belt then I dunno... Maybe you've played her too much. :P


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5659 on: November 23, 2011, 01:32:02 pm »

I play a mean Kayle build.

And by mean I mean attack-speed based. It's slow to start up, but once it gets going I steamroll over the competition.
Berserker's greaves, three phantom dancers, and a Malady. If I have enough time and money I'll pick up one of those frost hammer things from the bottom of the health menu at the shop. Forgot what they're called. One of the reasons it's so good is because my runes and masteries are specialized towards attack speed, and my summoner's spells are exhaust and surge(the latter of which, you guessed it, increases attack speed).
Have they nerfed Vayne in the past three or four days?

God damn I used to go like 15/4 every single game in Dominion, now I'm lucky if i get 6 kills without dying 11 times first. I've been playing just her for the last week and a half, so it's not like I just picked her up and suck. Just feels like I do a lot less damage for some inexplicable reason.

Maybe I've just gone into retard mode :(
I hate Vayne.
Whenever Vayne is on my team. she always camps out near me and takes all my kills. Makes it that much harder to start.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5660 on: November 23, 2011, 01:45:54 pm »

My tiny list:

Master Yi: My first champion, and still my favorite. Started him off attack speed + lifesteal, now focus more on attack speed + AD. Makes for an awesome tower-killer.

Kayle: My main support champ. Her W (minor heal + movement buff) + Q (ranged dam + slow) make for a potent pair if I'm teamed with a high DPS melee champ. Enemy decides to break and run, and I decide otherwise. Rack up a lot of assists that way. Her E starts out pretty weak (AoE ranged damage) but can be pretty potent in the late game, turning her into a pusher. And her ult can make or break a fight by giving an ally 4 seconds of invuln and making a lot of people waste their powers, or robbing the enemy of an all but certain kill. I won't get many kills, but I rack up double-digit assists.

Tristana: Meh. Got her for free from the Facebook thing. Not bad, but only played with her once or twice.

Soraka: Seems to be more of a pure support/healer than Kayle. Like the ult, lukewarm on the character overall. Not used to being so mana-dependent.

Xin Zhao: Recent pickup based on forum comments here. I like him, but not as much as Yi. The healback passive is nice, but I'd rather have that face-raping damage potential. Plus I have a hard time using his Q triple attack.

My next pickup is likely to be Alistar, since I've had good experiences with him when he was a freebie and I need to have a tank in the arsenal.

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5661 on: November 23, 2011, 02:18:29 pm »

A ~1900 elo player once shared some insight with me:

In any solo queue game, there are going to be 2 good players and 8 (varying levels of) baddies.  Assuming you are one of the pair, you have a 45% chance of getting the other good player on your team.  This is always a win.  The rest of the time it's a competition on which of the two good players can feed off the baddies quickest.  If you know how to last hit, when to push a lane and how to play your character this should be no problem.

Assume each team has two feeders.  If you are aware, going into the game, that you have to carry -- you will.  Learn how to spot their feeder prematurely and exploit it.  In pub games, you are a hunter stalking his prey.  As one of the quality players in the game, it is -your- job to be fed when team fights start.  Do not feel let down by your 0-3 Annie or your 2-5 Ashe with 7cs.  They are playing to the best of their ability.  It is their job, in the scheme of things, to die.  To feed the enemy 'ace'.  If you fail to carry and you get dominated, it's nobody's fault but your own.

Quoting for people who started playing recently.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5662 on: November 23, 2011, 02:57:02 pm »

What level are you? If you're still just starting out, skill levels fluctuate quite dramatically. For example, a few games ago you might have been fighting people with no runes and no masteries. Then now you suddenly got sent up against a bunch of level 30s with full runes and masteries. It's a very huge difference.

If you're level 30 with 500 games under your belt then I dunno... Maybe you've played her too much. :P

level... 27, I think. Or 28. Maybe it's just that - I've been playing for too long... Maybe I've believed myself I'm the Lord's fury unleashed xD

On the other hand I just played against a pretty horrible team and went 11:1, and wouldn't have died even then if my stake wasn't on cooldown. I played with 250 ms latency because my roommates were streaming some damn football game. At least my self-confidence improved marginally!

Also I generally try not to killsteal, but Vayne's passive does let her chase better than other characters, so :) Of course it works in reverse too. Come to think of it I should really rage less about killsteals, but I can't... I play dominion for the kills god damn it, not for Shaco springing from a bush to knife my target in the back when I've taken 99,9% of its health.

Ok, enough whine for now!
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
"Hear me, exalted spirits. Hear me be you gods or devils, ye who hold dominion here. I am a wizard without a home. I am a wanderer seeking refuge."


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5663 on: November 23, 2011, 03:00:19 pm »

Rumble and Renekton are the only 2 champs you need for top lane.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5664 on: November 23, 2011, 03:04:45 pm »


Alistar - been eternities since I last used him
Amumu - only used Mumu when forced to
Annie - she's too ezmode D:
Ashe - never ever saw any use, just bought her because she was cheap
Cassiopeia Although revently I've fallen out a bit with her, she's been my AP mid of choice and still sees quite a bit of play
Cho'Gath - not that unfun a champ, but simply one I hardly play - I can play him, but I don't
Dr. Mundo - When I pick Mundo, I have to roleplay Mundo. A bit of a troll choice.
Evelynn - why is she even in my roster
Fiddlesticks - I tend to not like him.
Gangplank - played him a lot before his big reworks.
Garen - Another slightly-trollish pick. FOR DEMACIA
Gragas - eeeeh, I dunno
Heimerdinger - useful for trolling and little else
Janna - Dominion, sometimes
Karma - I love Karma, I'd play her far more once the meta appreciates her
Karthus - first 6300 I bought, can't play him to save my life anymore
Katarina - the gunblade nerf killed her for me
Kayle - kind of in a weird place for me and the meta
Kennen - getting warm with the little squirrel
LeBlanc - she's really climbing in appreciation, bursts like a complete mofo
Leona - for all intents and purposes, Leona is my SR main. And I'm very much okay with that, mean lean CC machine she is
Lux - I have a lot of fun playing with Lux, but she is fun games only.
Maokai - I had a Maokai phase once, but its over
Master Yi - sometimes, you need to carry - long time since last time
Mordekaiser - Morde, y u so nerfed?
Morgana - Morg, y u so FoTM?
Nasus - Nasus, man, sorry, bro, I prefer Riven now
Nidalee - quit playing her once I got to the level where people can dodge spears
Nunu - trollpick
Olaf - gotta be a bro sometimes
Orianna - poor Ori got nerfs, can't faceroll as well as I used to
Pantheon - MANtheon #1 manly, even before they fixed HSS, Speartheon was #1 legit
Poppy - Playing her on and off, off lately
Riven - She's such a fun bruiser and as mashy as Cass. Good thing (tm).
Ryze - man, Riot, why did you rework a perfectly good concept and make spell flux useless in the process. man.
Singed - first main I ever had, he'll never drop below main level
Sivir - not a big sivir player
Soraka - pick of choice for a relaxing dominion game.
Taric - didnt really play him for the past year or so
Tristana - ranged AD carry of choice - sometimes you don't have a choice.
Trundle - bought him for jungling purposes... he's ok
Twisted Fate - sadly, the ult nerf killed him (mostly), which was a shame
Udyr - well, I could jungle with him, except that I can't
Veigar - Man, Baron von Veigar kicks ass.
Zilean - last Zil game was far too much time ago

Yes I play support most of the time on SR. I'm okay with that.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5665 on: November 23, 2011, 03:21:10 pm »

I still call BS on this unless you're playing a hyper-carry. Otherwise it becomes effectively meaningless to play support, a pusher, or a tank. We all see what happens on five-carry teams, too.

If you play a champ that can't carry in solo queue, you're putting the game in your teammates' hands. 

The 1900 elo guy's advice is right.  The easiest way to win in solo queue is to find the weakest enemy player and beat on him until you're fed or enemy players get mad and start checking out.  That's why jungle nocturne's such a good pubstomper.  If you're a bad player he can gank you over and over and there's nothing you can do about it because you're bad.  WHen I played noc in solo queue I won 9/10 games and 8 of those 9 were over before 30 minutes, because the other team got discouraged and gave up.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5666 on: November 23, 2011, 03:48:48 pm »

It's been a damn long time since I've had a proper solo top like I just had. You know the type. Two impossible to kill tanky bastards farming top for 25 minutes, so freaking tanky on both sides that even though they try to harass each other, they can't do anything to each other. Even though both team's junglers came top 5 times each, barely anyone died because everyone was so freaking tanky.

It was quite zen. Reminded me of why I like freefarming with superscaling champions. It's this smug satisfaction you have inside knowing your victory is assured while the enemy slowly starts to realize the longer the lane progresses, the scarier you're becoming.

I was Metagolem-GP. Enemy was Trundle. The difference was that Metagolem-GP becomes an immortal god when he gets 200cs. Standard-build-Trundle becomes slightly more irritating with 200cs.

I wonder if Trundle would be as scary as GP if he used Metagolem as well.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5667 on: November 23, 2011, 03:54:52 pm »

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I have been looking for a good jungler for ages. Went GP->Jarvan ->tried free ones (Lee/Noc/Xin/Trynd) -> Shaco -> Nocturne -> Shyvana and never got the yaay feeling. I've been playing more and more with Lee, I can actually play him now and he is #1.

-Doesn't need the buffs
-Gap Closer
-Innate heal
-Incredible duelist
-Useful throughout the game.

I have been trying Nocturne more and more, and while I understand the incredible gank-potential he has, along with his fear, I still feel he is inferior. While Lee misses the hard CC, and can be warded out, I feel it doesn't do outweigh his pros. (plus I really dislike mana)

Shaco, AD. I play that and nearly never do bad. I start at red, box up the bush, kill red, go get wolves, get my q, gank. You dont even need blue as shaco.
Everyone says skarner is badass, I want to try it sometime. Hes free so I prolly will this week.
You can ward shaco, but you cant run from his mob boots + teleport + ghost (i love doing this XD) and backstab. Also if you turn to run, 20% extra dmg a hit, gg.

Also umi, i've always found cho'gath to be the best solo top, without competition. Excellent cc, sustain and tanky as shit.

My faves at the moment:

Gragas - Awesome AOE, awesome sustain and his ult rocks for ganking.
Shaco - My jungle workhorse, consistently good, but i've played him a little too much lately.
Eve - Cant bring her up to shacos level jungling :( but shes still my fave overall. Wish she was a better jungler. Shes definitely a noob basher, consistently do well with Eve.
Nasus - My favorite bruiser by far. Q that shit up.
Zilean - Awesome harrass + annoying the enemy with bombs, reasonable support too, if you can get the ult at the right time, real good damage for a support.
Sion - Ad is good if you can get it to work, AP is good if you can get it to work. Meh.
Warwick - Easy jungler, tanky, not good enough for a ganker imho.
Amummu - Excellent jungler, excellent tank, really good ult for teamfights.
Twitch - Amusing to play, more viable than Eve but still squishy.
Urgot - My current favorite, awesome range, very tanky late game or very high damage. Fragile early game though.
Taric - My ranked choice, Taric support. Goes down well usually, tanky, healy, AOE + AD buff, Auras. Win.
Soraka - I'd pick her, but I prefer Taric.
Tryndamere - Sometimes do just to troll noobs with 30/0 kd. Easy win, easy to be countered by decent players.
Yi - No.
Nunu - Awesome jungler, awesome AP, good slow, good ganker. One of my tops. Watch TheOddOne.
Le Blanc - Fun to play, awesome burst. I should play her more.
Teemo - Good damage, but I like to AD troll build. Shrooomsssssss
Poppy - A hidden gem, looks weak but has an evil burst. Also can tower dive like a boss.
Fiddlesticks - A workhorse, good all round.
Nidalee - Good harass, good cougar burst and a heal. Worth it.
Jax - Very good champ, can basicly counter most AD carrys, good damage and with leap, hybrid.
Janna - Good support, I go the 'spam the shield' build, works very well.
Udyr - Very good champ early and late, stuns, AOE's, attack speed bonus from q is AMAZING and a shield. GG.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 04:14:47 pm by Deadmeat1471 »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5668 on: November 23, 2011, 04:05:33 pm »

I don't like Cho. =3

Edit: come to think of it, I haven't seen Cho in months. It's like they've gone extinct. Even Hotshot hasn't played him in months.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Fizz, the Tidal Trickster -
« Reply #5669 on: November 23, 2011, 04:41:43 pm »

I don't like Cho. =3

Edit: come to think of it, I haven't seen Cho in months. It's like they've gone extinct. Even Hotshot hasn't played him in months.

Meh, don't agree. Some champs have the skills and usefullness to never be outdone. Cho is one of them. Metagame will always change and new champs will get all the attention, especially before nerfs, but Cho will remain a good solo top, his skills and sustain ensure that.
I think its mostly to do withl
A) the skills of players, the worse the players, the easier it is to solo. Wether Cho is good at pro level, Don't know; i'm not pro and never will be. Wether hes extremely viable on ranked and normal queue; he is. He is an easy solo.
B) 2 ranged tops. Hard to do, but no where near impossible, several times i've done this and a friend who plays solo top consistently, rarely get owned even by this.

I think A will always be the main issue for any champ, any position in ranked and solo. People care too much about metagame when simple skill with a champ is way more important, unless you go out of your way to make it difficult to solo.

*Added note
Hotshotgg is a retard, nothing he says or does is any use to anyone, especially non pros(all of us).
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