Here's something fun I noticed I've been doing recently.
You know how everyone is always like "don't push don't push lane"? These days I'm doing the opposite with everyone I play. I just push push push push push push push push push until something happens. I'm not really sure why I'm doing this either. All that I know is that I'm winning my lane constantly these days.
So, why is this? As far as I'm aware of, there's only one reason why you shouldn't push. That being jungle ganks. In that your team's jungler can't gank and the enemy jungler has an easy time ganking you. Now... let's look at this more in-depth.
Be aware everything I'm talking about only applies to solo lanes.
1. Is it actually a bad thing that your jungler can't gank your lane and the enemy has an easier time ganking you?I propose that it's not. For example, in mid lane it's stupidly hard to gank if you're anyone other than Shaco or Rammus (or anyone else with super ganks). Why on earth do you have to care if you're overextended? It would probably be better to just nuke the creeps down and sit at your tower than slowly last hit in the middle of the lane. That way you don't mislead your own jungle into super risky mid lane ganks while you can waste the enemy jungler's time as he tries to do stuff there.
What about top lane? If you notice, a lot of the best top laners have incredible escape. Nidalee, Singed, Tryndamere, Irelia, etc. All of them escape ganks really well. Why exactly is it a bad thing for ganks to happen to people who like to escape ganks? I think this is a good thing. For one, because you're such a juicy target, the jungler will go for you. He will. This means he's not going for your bot lane or your mid lane. He's using all his time trying to get you. Similarly, if you were fighting a top laner who has incredible escape as well, you wouldn't be baiting your own jungler into wasting his time trying to kill someone that can't be killed. You know what I mean... ganking Cho Gath... ganking Renekton...
2. If the enemy laner is unable to do anything, the jungler will never gank you.In simple terms. Say you're laning against Nasus as Cho Gath at top. If you obliterate the creep waves, I guarantee you that Nasus will take a helluva lot of minion aggro and be very open to harass. He has two options to counter a super heavy pushing strategy. He either has to use his own mana to AOE the creeps or he has to surrender farm to the tower (while the tower takes damage). I have never met a player that has taken option #2. What this means is that by forcing Nasus to drain his mana pool, any gank the jungler tries to do on top lane will be worthless simply because his partner up there can't do anything when a gank comes. Cho Gath on the other hand will still have lots of mana because of his passive so he doesn't have to worry about anything.
That's one such scenario. What I'm getting at is that if you can not only push a lane, but strategically make the opponent worthless, then you are effectively immune to ganks. There are so many ways to achieve this. Olaf for example, can smackdown the enemy to basically no hp. No jungler will try to gank a lane intent on a kill when the lane partner there has no health. Shyvana and Riven can do this too, with extreme harass at the early levels to reduce the enemy to nothing while they heal off their 5 pots.
Thus, with some creative thinking, you can basically make yourself immune to ganks even though you push all the way to the enemy tower. This was also why Morde was such a bitch to fight.
3. Getting your lane pushed endlessly is demoralizing.Think about it. Every time you personally get pushed to the tower, doesn't it suck? Imagine it happening all the time in lane. You'd be pretty pissed off wouldn't you? It's a sign of dominance. It makes people do rash things. It makes them scream at their jungler to gank (who doesn't want to because of points #1 and #2). It puts their tower under constant threat and they can't bluepill without having the tower take serious damage. It's infuriating.
Speaking from personal experience, having my lane constantly pushed to my tower makes me blame everything. After all, I'm playing right, right? I'm only last hitting. I'm not wasting mana. I'm doing everything perfect. My jungler should gank this overextended person! It's his fault my tower is at 1/2 hp! That's what he's there for right?
I don't know about you guys, but that's how I used to feel.
Thus, in conclusion. I think that if you're confident in your own skills, it is in your own interest to push like a boss. Of course, I'm not saying push mindlessly (and lose last hits) nor am I saying push without purpose and without strategy (e.g: I push to Singed tower but he still has full mana, hp and his ult and the enemy jungler is Rammus hurrr me smart). The point is if you are able to push a lane hard and you are confident in your own skills, then you should push the lane forever. After all, there's no better feeling than having escaped the fifth jungle gank and returning to the exact same spot 10 seconds later to farm.
tl;dr: Don't play laners that suck at laning. Push forever. Win game.