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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1272631 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4725 on: October 17, 2011, 09:25:21 pm »

Lol patched delayed. They haven't done anything right since Dreamhack.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4726 on: October 17, 2011, 09:26:59 pm »

Lol patched delayed. They haven't done anything right since Dreamhack ever.

I can't wait for DotA 2...


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4727 on: October 17, 2011, 10:00:33 pm »

So what are you guys doing that's so bad?  The game really isn't all that hard.  If you grasp the fundamentals you should be able to win at least a good part of the time.

Speaking of which, my win-loss ratio is 1.2  Is that good?

Well....out of my close friends and relatives I play with only 2 of us are any good (if they aren't have problems connecting) If any of those 2 aren't playing the chances of winning for us drop sharply. The problem mainly with myself and one of the other guys. I play quite cautiously usually, mainly because I'm very well known to be extremely bad at offense and tactics in many games including this one. I make up for it somewhat for not being a leaver, I fight on to the bitter end (even if I withdraw a lot) and I can honestly say I've never left a game on purpose. The other guy is waaay too aggressive at the wrong time. He tends to play very dangerously and his low level and his style of play just really doesn't pay off. For instance the last normal match I played with him, we lost (no surprise) but its obvious that he just hasn't quite reached the lvl. That particular mate was playing Garen at ended up with doing horrifically, 1:18:?. Compare that to myself, who was midding with Veigar in that game against a decent Anivia. I managed 11:13:4 in that particular match which is actually not bad for me in a normal match. Perhaps I'm over estimating the power of 20 lvl's here but in my eyes 1 kill and 18 deaths is is pretty bad even for someone as low as lvl 12. In the end I guess I shouldn't complain too much, I am part of the problem after all.

And I can only wish for even a 1 ratio :)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4728 on: October 17, 2011, 10:07:52 pm »

Nasus in a nutshell: SORRY I'M LATE GUYS


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4729 on: October 17, 2011, 10:45:00 pm »

So what are you guys doing that's so bad?  The game really isn't all that hard.  If you grasp the fundamentals you should be able to win at least a good part of the time.

Speaking of which, my win-loss ratio is 1.2  Is that good?

Well....out of my close friends and relatives I play with only 2 of us are any good (if they aren't have problems connecting) If any of those 2 aren't playing the chances of winning for us drop sharply. The problem mainly with myself and one of the other guys. I play quite cautiously usually, mainly because I'm very well known to be extremely bad at offense and tactics in many games including this one. I make up for it somewhat for not being a leaver, I fight on to the bitter end (even if I withdraw a lot) and I can honestly say I've never left a game on purpose. The other guy is waaay too aggressive at the wrong time. He tends to play very dangerously and his low level and his style of play just really doesn't pay off. For instance the last normal match I played with him, we lost (no surprise) but its obvious that he just hasn't quite reached the lvl. That particular mate was playing Garen at ended up with doing horrifically, 1:18:?. Compare that to myself, who was midding with Veigar in that game against a decent Anivia. I managed 11:13:4 in that particular match which is actually not bad for me in a normal match. Perhaps I'm over estimating the power of 20 lvl's here but in my eyes 1 kill and 18 deaths is is pretty bad even for someone as low as lvl 12. In the end I guess I shouldn't complain too much, I am part of the problem after all.

And I can only wish for even a 1 ratio :)

I hear you there man. Sometimes the selected champions just don't have synergy and other times, your play styles are just so different that it makes team fights absolutely horrendous. I have a 2.9 KD ratio on ranked but albeit this, I've got 4:8 Wins/Loses. 2 Wins w/ Wukong, 1 Win w/ Anivia, 1 Win w/ Amumu, 3 Loses w/ Anivia and 1 Lose w/ Kennan.

On my games in which I'd lost, I found it out recently that they were in light of our profoundly different play styles. I might lane with someone incredibly aggressive and be forced into a fight when I'm not ready or entirely caught of guard. On the other hand, I might be paired up with someone just too passive that he/she allows the other team to farm and outzone us. That, or the other team is just a whole lot better than we were.

On the other hand, in the games in which I'd won, I've come to realized the amazing cohesiveness of our decisions. Ready to poke? Ping the target. You planning to recall/back up? Announce it. About to take them out in a massive gank? Ask if everyone's ULTs are ready. I can't recall how many times I've been forced into a fight when I was just not ready... But when we all are, ohhh man, it's a slaughter.

On the side note, positive reinforcement/subtle corrections does wonders. That 1:18 ratio with Garen of all champs is horrible, but don't let him get discouraged or he'll just outright give up the rest of the match. Tell him that he needs to back off a little and play defensively. Grab some armor and just start withering people's HP with Judgement and finish them off with Demacian Justice (I also can't recall how many times I've been stupid enough to face check a bush only to hear "DEMACIA!" and die a couple of seconds later :P).

If you guys are on the NA servers, I'll be more than happy to play with you guys for practice. I'm in desperate need of learning to alternate my style and work better overal with different people and champions. Same name as on these forums here, but with an extra Z, "XDarkzz".

I've been learning to jungle with more champions as of late. Jungling with Akali was... interesting, but she was far from the fastest. I next tried Amumu and he was actually very good at it. His ganks pre-6 was alright, but post-6, was devastating for the enemy team. I jungled as Warwick last night and found it how amazingly fast he rips through the jungle without losing a shred of health.  His presence in the jungle is just astounding, but when it comes to ganking, he falls a little behind Amumu in regards to his lack of hard CC besides his suppression. If you and your team weren't able to finish the opponent off within that allotted few seconds, he'd just limp back to the turret and pop a potion. Next I intend on trying Nocturne, granted I get the 6300 IP or decide what the hell and grab some RP instead.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4730 on: October 17, 2011, 10:52:22 pm »

So what are you guys doing that's so bad?  The game really isn't all that hard.  If you grasp the fundamentals you should be able to win at least a good part of the time.

Speaking of which, my win-loss ratio is 1.2  Is that good?
And I can only wish for even a 1 ratio :)
Just remember remember to farm well and you should get lots of wins.

If you don't know how much farm is good, aim for 100 creeps by 11 minutes and at least 200 before 25 minutes. That's excellent CS. If you have 50 or less at 11 minutes, you should work on last hitting more. 15 CS gives the same gold as a kill.

If you can get 100 CS by 11 minutes or so every game, you will win by a huge amount, especially at low levels. That's all there is to it. The rest you will learn through experience. Last hitting is the only thing people actually need to practice.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4731 on: October 18, 2011, 08:01:04 am »

Just had my longest game in LoL:

Holy fuck this was fun, it was stalemate for the mid-game (40-60 min) but after that we managed to slowly, but surely, to get into their base. And look at my team - 4 AP champs, and the AD Carry going tank.
Panth had 20 kills/3 deaths/X assists, when his downfall started.

Also, do the pics taken with Gyazo show up?
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 08:03:25 am by Bordellimies »
Warmogs are like bacon, they make everything better and you can never have enough of them

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4732 on: October 18, 2011, 08:29:45 am »

They sure do, I see two.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4733 on: October 18, 2011, 02:20:17 pm »

Any advice for LeBlanc? I'm finding that I take a really cowardly and passive approach. I'm almost certain that it's preventing me from getting kills. I'm too used to being Ryze and just Overloading anyone who comes within range for minimal cooldown and little mana.

I see like numerous maneuvers on Youtube that would be useful (Distortion, flash forward, grab kill, Distortion back behind turret). I've executed a few fancy maneuvers of my own, including escaping the entire enemy team with a well-executed Distortion return and having a few of the enemy team jump on my clone.

Regardless, I felt like I'm not getting the kills I should be getting last game. Although, that might also be because I was up against a Morgana who took pool at level 1 and passively kept pushing. We only really won by a landslide that game due to a spectacular jungle Nocturne.
Early, leblanc is the most deadly and kill heavy of assasins, but

Lategame, Other people need them more. Your job is to stonewall/cockblock the enemy team, while your carry picks up all the kills.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4734 on: October 18, 2011, 02:24:58 pm »

If you get a good start with le bonk, you can force people to surrender real early or at least give your team such a powerful advantage that its really hard for the enem yteam to make a comeback. Le Blanc's main advantage and disvantage is that she works like old assassins of yore: really good if you get a good early game, real bad if you get a bad early game. Banshee's veil is a huge FUCK YOU to le blanc as well.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 02:26:30 pm by Dakk »
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4735 on: October 18, 2011, 02:30:12 pm »

SO, uh, who is the best character on dominion?

I've been playing gp for his beast scalings.

1v1 anybody who isn't kogmaw or Vayne.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 02:43:04 pm by eerr »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4736 on: October 18, 2011, 02:55:59 pm »

Irelia, Jax, the tanky carries whose main weakness is their early game.  You get into kill everybody mode really early in Dominion.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4737 on: October 18, 2011, 06:19:56 pm »

Patch notes out:

- GP nerf
- Koggie nerf
- Riven something. I don't understand what they changed.
- Shaco base stats buff
- Skarner buff. Specifically, "Fracture will now heal Skarner if Fracture kills its target."
- Talon nerf to mana regen huehuehue. No more unlimited W for you~
- Hextech Gunblade now useless. I don't think anyone would buy it now. Makes no sense. Poor Jax and Akali and Katarina.

Rebecca Black

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4738 on: October 18, 2011, 06:35:25 pm »

- Riven something. I don't understand what they changed.

To me, it looks like they changed it as they did Blitz, Akali ect, where she'll attack the target after it's over. Also making her not 'collide' with minions using it.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Xerath, the Magus Ascendant -
« Reply #4739 on: October 18, 2011, 07:34:49 pm »

- Hextech Gunblade now useless. I don't think anyone would buy it now. Makes no sense. Poor Jax and Akali and Katarina.

WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT IT NOW?!? It's still the same price?!? Jesus! You're right. No point ever getting this item. I mean, I could understand making the Spell Vamp Unique (barely), but now it's just a garbage item. Too bad. I think there were much better ways to fix the problem, other than nerfing the Gunblade into oblivion.

Honestly, why bother nerfing Gunblade? You would be better off nerfing Akali. Mostly the snowballing nature she has, and the way she obliterates newbies. Less of a "Hey look! It's Aka-oh I'm dead." But, then again, it's mostly just about not letting her do that. It's mostly that it's SO ANNOYING to stop her.
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