I'm playing on the EU-NE server since a while back. There's quite a few Polish people who have a hard time with english there but at least they don't curse at everyone too often (I think).
Then again, I've not played that many games yet so perhaps all hell breaks loose once I get to 30?
Just discovered dominion is pretty fun too. You're stuck with people for a much shorter time if things go bad. I've no idea what champions are good here, though it seems like some would have a great advantage. Any suggestions?
Well, one route is always to get a speedster like Master Yi, Singed or Teemo and just build for movement speed (5 Phantom Dancers and Boots of Mobility), with Ghost/Revive. Instead of fighting, you just zoom through the jungle for whatever point they're not actively defending. Doesn't require a lot of coordination with others, and it'll drive the enemy team nuts.
More traditional route is to send one tanky character bottom, and the other four top. AoE bursters (Nunu, Malazhar, Viktor, etc.) do well early on when everything is grouped up and you get that early teamfight up top. But then as matches go on (at least pub matches), it kinda disintegrates into chaos and you're better off with somebody who can hold their own in small 1v1 or 2v2 skirmishes. I find characters with a lot of stuns to be effective, cause you can try to stun an enemy in range of your tower (and if combined with Garrison, can put a world of hurt on a champ).
Just remember that kills (champ and minion) are not nearly as important in Dominion. They still help, don't get me wrong, but everybody steadily levels up regardless and kills don't take you out of commission nearly as long. Also, because there's far less minions to farm, items that need to get fed like Warmog's/Archangel's/etc aren't as useful IMHO. (braces for the cries of NOOB from the veterans)