After this patch Teemo top will be back and will be extremely strong.
Who are the dominant top bruisers right now? Lee Sin, Udyr, and Olaf. Who does Teemo's kit already counter hard? These guys.
Teemo counters Lee Sin wat? Lee just tosses a q Teemo's way and pops the passive on w. Then he shoves his boot into Teemo's face (Still no autoattacking on either side) and smashes his e key, butchering teemo's ms and as. Then Lee can just kinda do whatever he pleases. Sure, Teemo can q and stop anymore harm, but that's still a large chunk of damage that he can't trade back. He'll definitely counter Udyr, and does already, and I can see Olaf working with an early Phage, but Lee Sin is still going to dominate Teemo, as will any other champ with a dash.
Another champ I've just discovered is really, really, really weak. Fids. What are you supposed to do as him? Lane and you get 0 cs because hurp derp AP Ezreal Farming ftl, jungle and hurp derp counterjungled because it takes him a minute to clear a camp. His one strength is teamfighting, but that's only if you're able to get godlike positioning beforehand to channel right into their team. The 3 second fear might be useful, depending on what the RNG decides to make them run to.
I used to think that Fiddle sucks at laning and his farm kinda does suck, but his lane precense is surprisingly strong. Level up Dark Wind first, and spam it to keep the enemy mage from doing anything. With correct use of Terrify and Dark Wind, you can keep the enemy
feared/silenced for over 5 seconds straight (1.2 sec silence per bounce.). The max damage Crowstorm does in 5 seconds is 625 / 1125 / 1625 (+2.25 per ability power), add in the Dark Wind bounces (max 145 (+0.45 per ability power) x 3) and Drain, and you have the enemy dead in one combo. Plus, when he has his fear up, the jungle has super easy ganks. Oh, you're running around in circles for 3 seconds? Guess you can't flash away. Oh, fear about to end? Sorry, silenced for another second or two. Oh look, the jungler stunned you for a second again.
Oh and also, passive makes nuking more fun. And oh, drain keeps him in the lane forever if he has blue.
In perfect circumstances, lets say Fid fears you for 3 seconds. Then he uses dark wind. The first dark wind hits you 0.2 seconds after fear ends. Lets assume your reaction time + cast animation time isn't fast enough to do anything in 0.2 seconds. The Dark wind hits you, bounces to another enemy, back to you, back to enemy and and back to you. Lets assume that the silence lasts for 0.6 seconds before Dark Wind bounces back to you again. This makes you unable to cast spells for 3.0 + 0.2 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 1.2 = 5.6 seconds of CC. Lets also assume Fiddle has full 40% CDR, and both Terrify and Dark Wind are at level 5, making ther total cooldown 6.6 seconds. Lets also say that Fiddle has received help from an ally, who stuns/silences you for 0.7 seconds after silence duration ends. The stun is applied 0.2 seconds after the silence ends. You have now been unable to cast spells for a total of 6.5 seconds. Add in another 0.2 seconds for reaction time, and now you have silence for 6.7 seconds. Fiddle has his Terrify up again. He uses it, and Dark Wind afterwards like before.
You are silenced for a grand total of 6.7 + 0.2 + 3.0 + 0.2 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 1.2 =
12.5 seconds.And if you ask me, I'd say 12 seconds is a
long time in LoL. Of course, this is the perfect situation, and most likely not happening, but imagine if it would...