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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1333552 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6705 on: January 08, 2012, 08:55:25 am »

Both Panth and Gangplank are great for Dominion as both are very mobile champs that have a great way of preventing a cap from half the map away. Xin is pretty good too being a very mobile tanky derps but I haven't played him in a long time.

That said i reccommend Panth since I kind of main him now and he's all kinds of awesome on both Dominion and SR, one especially dear thing he does is constant spear harrass early game and usually a kill by level three.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6706 on: January 08, 2012, 09:01:55 am »

I'm ashamed to admit I'm leaning towards Lux only for the ult. Well, that and the AoE explodey thingie, but I already bought a champion simply because of his ult (Karthus) and ... that was not IP well spent. At all.

It's because I already have Wukong, and he's supposed to be really good, and true, I've gotten some nice things (8 kills in the first 5 minutes and stuff), but I don't really have a good AP character. Morgana is great top in Dominion, but you kind of depend on your teammates to finish what you start, and depending on your teammates in Dominion is the shortest way to Derp. Thing is I love Pantheon's kit and his visuals... argh.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6707 on: January 08, 2012, 09:20:16 am »

Well wait two days and see if any of them go free then try them out and decide :)
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6708 on: January 08, 2012, 09:32:08 am »

Yeah, see I almost never play Dominion (except when I click-derp too fast and wind up there by mistake). people have tried Karthus and been not happy. That sways me a bit more towards Lux, since I've seen many mentions of her Laser of Death ult. Or Heimer because turret spam is made of yay. But he's a bit squishy.

I've already got Alistar, Xin Zhao, Garen, Kayle, and Master Yi, so I'm good as far as AD melee and support/tanky melee.

For those who have played Karthus, what's his playstyle like? Is it pew-pew death beam gunner, or is it more harrassing/trapping/skillshots? I tend to do best when I'm sniping around the edges of a fight rather than getting into the thick of things (which is why I play tanky champs so give me that extra health and armor to survive when I get mauled because I suck). Unfortunately I'm coming to realize that if you survive and recall home then run back, that still means you lost. So I need a ranged that I can stay in the lane a while with (which is why I've gravitated towards support ranged so far, for the self-heals).

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6709 on: January 08, 2012, 10:11:30 am »

For those who have played Karthus, what's his playstyle like? Is it pew-pew death beam gunner, or is it more harrassing/trapping/skillshots? I tend to do best when I'm sniping around the edges of a fight rather than getting into the thick of things (which is why I play tanky champs so give me that extra health and armor to survive when I get mauled because I suck). Unfortunately I'm coming to realize that if you survive and recall home then run back, that still means you lost. So I need a ranged that I can stay in the lane a while with (which is why I've gravitated towards support ranged so far, for the self-heals).

All about landing the Q. Purely about that. If you can't land your Lay Waste, don't play Karthus. Simple as that. Lay Waste deals about 200-400 damage per bomb with AP, and double that if it hits only 1 enemy, meaning you need to aim it properly. The 0.5 sec delay also makes it important to cast it ahead of a fleeing enemy. Wall of Pain slows the enemies quite a lot, and reduces their defences making them easier to kill. Keep Defile on only in teamfights, chases where you have enough mana (it eats up mana REALLY fast) and when farming a wave of minions. Ult when there are enemies that are about to be killed, or if you are satisfied which assists, ult slightly before they die. KS:ing with Requiem in soloqueue isn't considered nice.

Mejai, Rabadon's Deathcap and Archangel's Staff are my main items for Karth. Get CDR boots for more Requiem spam (the cooldown is almost 3 minutes at lvl 1, REALLY long) Mejais is excellent since your ult allows assist/kill stacks from all around the map, and AA stacking + Rabadon for obvious AP gathering reasons. If the game drags on, sell Mejai unless you have good stacks on it.

Endgame build is pretty much 4 Archangel Staves, Rabadon's Deathcap, and boots. If the game still drags on, sell boots and buy Lichbane (or buy 3 AA:s and then Lichbane). Pushing with +800 AP and lichbane... You do it faster than Yi.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6710 on: January 08, 2012, 10:27:24 am »

Downloading now, hope I don't need an l33t computer to play it.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6711 on: January 08, 2012, 11:41:09 am »

Downloading now, hope I don't need an l33t computer to play it.
My last computer didn't have a separate graphics card, but it was instead already built-in to the motherboard. And LoL still worked.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6712 on: January 08, 2012, 12:10:47 pm »

Downloading now, hope I don't need an l33t computer to play it.
My last computer didn't have a separate graphics card, but it was instead already built-in to the motherboard. And LoL still worked.
It works fine for me too. :)
I'm still pretty sucky.(Killed 10+ times by a bot)
Would you rather be an Ant in Heaven or a Man in Hell?


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6713 on: January 08, 2012, 12:50:24 pm »

If you save to 6300 Riven is a good investment for top lane in SR. She's strong in every phase of the game and can carry well. Gangplank is the same deal. Panth is stronger early/mid but falls off late.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6714 on: January 08, 2012, 01:07:54 pm »

Downloading now, hope I don't need an l33t computer to play it.
My last computer didn't have a separate graphics card, but it was instead already built-in to the motherboard. And LoL still worked.
It works fine for me too. :)
I'm still pretty sucky.(Killed 10+ times by a bot)
Sounds familiar. I think most of us started out around there (at least those that didn't have a bunch of DoTA experience already).
The moment the lever was pulled, somebody's pet kitten stepped onto the bridge. I read somewhere that if a cat falls more than 11 stories, it instinctively flares its legs out to increase air resistance. This slows it down enough to stick the landing with relatively minor injuries. In Dwarf Fortress, apparently, cats don't do that.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6715 on: January 08, 2012, 01:35:37 pm »

When I was starting out a friend forced me to duoqueue with him. He was lvl 30. I don't remember the chatlogs, but I'm sure I gave at least some people aneurysms.

edit : Also to whoever suggested waiting for the next free rotation... I'm sorry :( I bought Lux. Completely blind, just checked her ult's cooldown (the lol wiki claims it's 40 secs). Haven't tried her yet, someone is streaming some sports video on the other pc. I'm afraid it's turning into a  "Can't stop buying shitty champions blind, please send help!" scenario... your day will come soon, Pantheon.

I also grinded up the 3150 IP in three days, but I'm afraid I cannot do this ever again. The impotent nerd-rage...
« Last Edit: January 08, 2012, 02:12:16 pm by Graven »
What a strange and beautiful world I beheld, but dangerous too, I was certain. And I was friendless and homeless. And so I prayed.
"Hear me, exalted spirits. Hear me be you gods or devils, ye who hold dominion here. I am a wizard without a home. I am a wanderer seeking refuge."


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6716 on: January 08, 2012, 03:38:16 pm »

Lux 101: Introduction to Annoying Spellcasters
1. Don't buy survivability or sustain items, you shouldn't need it. If you're getting hit, it means you're standing too near. This means skip RoA for Deathcap. Skip Rylai for Void Staff.
2. Smartcast your skills and practice them.
3. Consider buying a Mejai. Lux doesn't do enough damage on her own to carry like other AP mid champions. She does have extreme range, so it's quite safe provided you don't get caught.
4. Max E, then max Q. Spam your E nonstop but save your Q until the right moment.
5. Remember to stagger your spells. Combo is Q autoattack E autoattack R autoattack. If you don't do this, you lose 50% of your damage output. (Which is why she kinda needs Mejai)
6. Use your R liberally. Use it to take blue buff. Use it to farm lanes. Use it to poke the enemy. The CD is pretty short.
7. Spam your /l. It's probably the most annoying thing in the game.
8. She has 3 jokes.

I'm still of the opinion that she's a weaker version of Orianna and Xerath.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6717 on: January 08, 2012, 04:08:00 pm »

Going from 3/8/10 to 18/10/20 as Veigar is oh so satisfying. Say I'm tooting my own horn if you will, but turning a match around by yourself is pretty friggin' awesome. Stopped a base push or two that would've ended the game by myself, too.

Rushing Morello's is my preferred strategy for the mana regen and CDR, following it with boots and the deathcap. By that point, you'll have 400+ AP. Believe me when I say it makes a difference to be using your ulti every seventy seconds as opposed to 120. That CDR HELPS. Stuns, too. Veig's got one of the fattest, nastiest stuns out there. You bet your team will be doing better with more of the enemy team stunned.

I find Deathfire Grasp pretty core on Veigar, over Morello's.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6718 on: January 08, 2012, 04:29:14 pm »

Support lux is probably my favourite lux.

Oh also, take CV. You can snipe wonders with your R, stealing dragon, their blue, picking of that singed that escaped on 10hp.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Viktor, the Machine Herald -
« Reply #6719 on: January 08, 2012, 05:38:29 pm »

Morgana and Sivir... they are fun champions in SR. Not so much in Dominion.
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