Been experimenting with Riven lately since everyone decided to hop on the Wukong (my main) bandwagon, and I've got to say, I really dig her kit. The dash is "MEH" cause it's so short, but the shield is nice, albeit small, addition. She provides so much CC, with a knock-up and stun, both on insanely low CDs. I made the mistake of jungling her in a normal, without so much ever reading a guide, but it was a breeze. Standard jungler, she is.
Now, I've got another problem. Despite the success I've been having with Riven and Caitlyn this week, there's always that one son of a b- champion that I can't seem to beat. Riot's KNOWN for releasing champions that just obliterates, but this takes the cake, as of recent. It might just be pent up rage at the abomination, but I feel that he's vastly strong. Instead of doing anything creative, they decided to put Udyr (It's a slow, but man, that's all this guy needs), Singed (FLINNGG,FLIPP! and massive speed), Garen (Frenzy is like Garen's ULT, but on an 18 second CD), and Mundo (Quite a bit weaker than Mundo's ult, but still, it's a passive), all one champion's kit.
I just had a game where everything was going right, 14/5 , in favor of our team. And then, Volibear grabs Warmogs. He destroys bottom lane by turret diving, gets a double kill. He disappears for a while, reappearing next time with Sunfire Cape. He grabs another kill on our Anivia during a team fight, and just putting out so much damage in the process. We attempted to take our their carry, but every time, he just FLIPS and Ws for massive damage.
At the end of the game, he's got nothing but tank items, literally nothing. Heart of Gold, Warmogs, Sunfires, Frozen Mallet. He went 16/3. No one could kill him. We caught him grabbing our red a few times, jumped on him with the entire team. He smites red, but doesn't get it, activates his slow, fights us a little bit but realizes he was losing so he runs in the opposite direction while his passive kicked in.
-Sigh-. I guess I'm done QQing now. It's just incredible frustrating, considering everyone on their team was negative by at least 5 kills, and he carries them to victory despite building nothing but tank items. Looks like they crippled Mordekaiser only to replace him with an less balanced champion. There were counters for Morde, but this guy, aside from maybe Ashe's basic slow, it's just an uphill battle.