Thatīs bonks pony though, let her be... just like karth is a maschine in late game and malz has fun in mid/late... i like champs with real strenght and weaknesses.
I made a champ suggestion (not once looked at by a riot guy, obviously - if you want riot attention at a champ suggestion post it in the wrong forum, then they have to look at it...)
some what like this:
Middle ground between ranged and melee (attack range 175-275-ish) ((175 is fizz attack range), with a whip as main weapon.
His skills would be fairly basic Q - skillshot, applys a armor/speed debuff, very minor damage and decent duration. (ad scale)
His W would be a aoe-around himself attack, more range then garens spin 2 win, less damage, speed buff on himself and allys for a short time (Scales with ad) + passive movespeed aura
E would be a whip forward - hit enemy and snare him for a short duration (+damage) and you are channling while doing so - if you press E again, the enemy is yanked towards you until he is 200 range away (in your attack range, but you are not in his) - if you do not press E again, the choke/snare lasts a little longer.
Ult would be a combination of all other abilities
(Q = slow to enemys)
(W = move speed for allys)
(E = Damage (onetime) in aoe)
So if your ult reflects your other skill choices.
His passive would be that if he + ally are in a enemy AoE (like brands fire pillar) only he takes the damage. Again, making your position vital and forcing enemies to think a little more.
(Alternative passive: his range gets higher with his lvl)
In lane you are constantly challanged with controlling the enemy champ (especially melee) with your abilites and to use your higher range to hit without being hit back. He would be a possible Tank/support/CC/AD, able to take the bullet for his allys (Jump into aoe to protect ally, snare enemy with E to make sure allys can escape...).
Thematically a basic slaver/prisoner hunt theme (Twisted Fate - graves arc?)