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Author Topic: League of Legends - Patch 7.22 - Runes Reforged  (Read 1272832 times)


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5310 on: November 05, 2011, 06:29:22 pm »

I'm starting to get an "If you can't beat him join him" feeling.

I think I should learn jungle Shaco.  He's one of those champs you can't be mad at the player for, only impressed.  He's a hard champ.

In the same vein, does anyone know what the hardest champs for each role are?

Tanky DPS:  Lee Sin(?)
Jungler:  Shaco/Lee Sin(?)
Mage:  Cassiopeia
AD Carry:  Vayne(?)
Tank:  ???
Support:  ??? (Karma?)

Also, holy shit pure AD runes make it so easy to last hit.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 06:35:11 pm by Cthulhu »


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5311 on: November 05, 2011, 06:39:08 pm »

Don't. Buy. Dodge. Runes. You will seriously regret it. No one uses it! There is literally no use for it other than to make Jax viable and even that's gonna be changed soon because Riot hates dodge. Hell, I'm so freaking pissed about wasting so much IP on them that I force myself to use one dodge rune in each runepage.

Get a full armour page or a full defensive page. Those are super good and will allow you to win the lane matchup you're up against.

Here are two examples:
Full Armour. Good against any AD champion. This + Doran's Shield / Cloth Armour will reduce Ashe's level 1 crit from 200 damage to 80. Take this, cloth armour + 5 pots, and you will never lose your lane to any AD ever.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

All-round Full Defense. Good against everyone. Works on everyone. Especially good against mages. If you're playing a mage with this, take Doran's Ring and never leave the lane. Also good against true damage bastards like Irelia and Olaf.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

These are my always-win-lane runes. The only times I consider not taking them is when I'm confident I'm already going to win the lane or if I'm playing a ranged AD. With these I could take Vlad to fight Jax and still win.

P.s: These runes are ultra cheap.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5312 on: November 05, 2011, 10:15:32 pm »

Dem dodge runes


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5313 on: November 05, 2011, 11:57:12 pm »

So would anyone else agree that AP Sion is the stupidest flavor of the month in history?


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5314 on: November 06, 2011, 12:20:20 am »

Eh... I know he's pretty popular right now in US (for some bizzare reason I can't understand) but you still rarely ever see Sion in EU. I can't even remember the last time I've seen one in EU honestly.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5315 on: November 06, 2011, 01:14:47 am »

Jungler:  Shaco/Lee Sin(?)

I definitely don't think Lee Sin is a hard jungler. He's (mostly) easy to gank with, doesn't need blue/red, and clears the jungle quickly and safely.
I've played some mafia.

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5316 on: November 06, 2011, 04:37:48 am »

I just learned that Tiamat splash damage is true damage. Dun dun DUNNNNNN!

Well, it doesn't really mean anything unless you're doing 5 Tiamat Miss Fortune...


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5317 on: November 06, 2011, 05:07:32 am »

I just learned that Tiamat splash damage is true damage. Dun dun DUNNNNNN!

Well, it doesn't really mean anything unless you're doing 5 Tiamat Shyvana...

Twin Bite.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5318 on: November 06, 2011, 05:09:00 am »

Like Miss Fortune needs help

So would anyone else agree that AP Sion is the stupidest flavor of the month in history?
AP sion does seem a bit strange since only two abilities benfit and they'd not all that good by themselves, but I've managed to pull off a decent hybred AP/AD version.

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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5319 on: November 06, 2011, 05:46:29 am »

Thanks for the rune help. Might go for the second. I don't play draft mode that much, so taking the full armour one would be a wild guess.

2k+2k (health quints)
+9*200 (armor reds)
+9*400 (regen yellow)


Did I pick the right ones? Does not look ultra-cheap.
League of Legends
EU-west: Wash


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5320 on: November 06, 2011, 06:36:23 am »

It's ultra cheap compared to other runes. :P

These are all pretty exotic rune choices. You can always be creative. No need to subscribe exclusively to my thought process. Everyone plays the game differently after all. As long as you don't make the same mistake as me and buy dodge seals, it's all good.


Don't buy flat AP blues either...

Edit: if you're curious, here's some other runes I think you could look into.
- AS blues. Useful for ranged AD who don't really need anything in this slot.

- Gold / 10 quints. Useful for supports. Also fun for ARAM. Kinda cheap too. Definitely get these if you like supports.

- Movespeed quints. Situational, but if you know you're going to win your lane, these can help a lot. Useful on champions like Kennen, Warwick, Garen, Vlad, Morde, etc. Anyone who has to get just a little bit closer. They also get better the more movespeed you have. I've actually exceeded 400 movespeed at level 1 using these, being Gangplank, having a Janna support, and the movespeed mastery + starting with boots. Fun times.

- MP/5 per level blues. These are actually only very slightly worse than the yellows. If for example you want to setup a runepage that needs armour seals but has free blues, you can use these.

- MR / lvl blues. Most pro players use these instead of the flat. I use flat myself but I can see the reasoning. After all, you don't really worry about burst damage until later in the game right? Especially if you're jungling.

- AP / lvl blues. Goddamn man. These give so freaking much AP it's obscene (28AP wtf?!). Damn good on AP carries.

- HP / lvl yellows. They give nearly 200 hp at level 18. That's quite a lot. Damn good on Vlad.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5321 on: November 06, 2011, 07:15:07 am »

Thanks for the advice.

I do understand they are not run-off-the-mill runes, but that is exactly why I ask. I now always pick:

Red: Armor pen / Magic pen
Yellow: Armor / Mana regen
Blue: A mix of magic resist (flat & /lvl)
Quint: Armor pen / AP

and a full AD page. Which brings me to 4 rune pages: Jungle ; AP ; Full AD ; ARP/Mp5/Mres

Because I'd rather not blindly stick to my usuals, I'd like to go for something else. I have trouble breaking out of that mold, because I can't see any other options. ArP because in the average game I play it means I can postpone my Armor Pen item to item #4 or #5. Manaregen because I hate Manamune & don't want to buy Philo Stone every game. Magic Resistance, because.. well.. what else for blue?

So as it is, I do value defensive runes quite high, they seem more effective in low lvl fights. But the ArP/Manaregen saves me gold on items (in my mind). Both my Nasus & GP have an illness called: "ONE. MORE. Q." ;-)


Now you mention Vlad a couple of times in your post, maybe I should give him some loving. He was the first champ I bought, and he has fallen a bit out of grace with me. Don't think I played him since I've been lvl 30. Some health/lvl yellows, ap/lvl blues and movement quints might be fun indeed.

Maybe I should get the gold quints, but I kinda stopped playing support after the 5th Caitlyn who camps the brush to take potshots at Sona instead of minions.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 07:26:07 am by Wravburn »
League of Legends
EU-west: Wash


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5322 on: November 06, 2011, 07:44:43 am »

Yeah, I like Vlad a lot. People stopped using him after the CDR nerf to his Q but I think he's still viable.

Free Zhonyas after all.

I think he's one of the few mages who can reliably carry a game singlehandedly provided he gets farm. Morde was (is?) like this. Ryze too. You're gonna want this guy when your entire team is feeding.


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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5323 on: November 06, 2011, 09:13:28 am »

Why would you use AS blues over MR/level blues? It boggles my mind.
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Re: League of Legends Updated! - Shyvana, the Half-Dragon -
« Reply #5324 on: November 06, 2011, 10:04:04 am »

MR blues are better on AD carries than AS imho
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