Lol at taric
Become rich selling truly outrageous body lotion. Your perfume is now diamonds.
Or become a glam metal superstar.Ezreal is checking Tryndamere out, again.
Janna, Ashe and Sona are comparing boob size.
MF, Trundle and GP are having a drinking contest, which teemo lost and is now being removed by yorick.
Sion is a bouncer stopping annie from getting in.
Mundo is... The fuck?
TF is about to be throughly phisicaly and magicaly punished by master yi, tristana, galio and twitch, for cheating at cards.
Rumble is on his mecha besides sivir.
One of yorick's ghouls is trying to eat (or hump) kennen.
Poppy is trying take lux home before garen notices she's there.
Garen is being kicked out by pantheon and leona is the bouncer taking him out.
Xin Zhao is being a boss.
Udyr, Brolaf, Jax and Maokai are having a bro moment after slapping dat katarina ass.
Ryze is getting an autograph from brand, lol.
Karthus is attempting a trollface?
Zilean is being a creepy fuck whispering stuff to nidalee.
Jarvan is asking fiddlesticks for 2 drinks.
Malzahar and Swain are sharing a depressive drunk mage moment, with leblanc being left out.
Rammus and Vayne are checking eachother out.
Corki is checking morgana out.
Alistar is trying to score points with caitlyn.
Cassiopeia is delivering a letter to nunu?
Shen apparently tried to grope Akali and got caught.
Karma is all THIS IS NOT NATURAL at mundo and anivia.
Malphite is having an armwrestling with irelia while she casualy gives a note to singed and urgot watches. Malphite is losing.
Nocturne and Kassadin are all "whatever brah".
Lee sin can't see shit.
Bro'Gath is being a boss with orianna and soraka. Blitzcrank is behind him.
Eve cleans the bathrooms, lol.
Nasus and Renekton are settling their differences and Vlad is being squeezed between them.
Heimer is fixing the TV.