So, Kindred. Jungle ADC. I love the idea. I'm not good with the ADC role, and her skills don't scale particularly effectively with attack damage. Building attack speed would make more sense, given her hunts, but. I dunno, I'm a little lost on her. Any tips on play or itemization?
BotRK is core. Everything else is situational; I've done very well with various combinations of Black Cleaver, Runaan's, Trinity Force, Bloodthister, Maw, and whichever of the Last Whisper items is more appropriate. Devourer is pretty strictly better than Warrior, but the latter isn't
completely useless. Of those non-BotRK items, I'd say that Black Cleaver is pretty close to core as well--she's less a pure ADC and more a duelist and as such the additional bit of beefiness is nice, the CDR is absolutely vital for playmaking, and with her W+Q+AAs the stacks are applied very quickly.
If you're fed, BotRK + Devourer + BC + Runaan's melts whole teams, and it's especially effective against the tank/bruiser meta. If you finish that with your boots and whichever LW is more appropriate you are pretty much death to tanks. If they're mostly squishy, finishing with a BT or Maw gives you the extra oomph to kill them before they kill you. TF is not particularly optimal, but if you're fed and they suck it makes for amusing burst when your W field is up, since the Q cooldown synchronizes pretty much perfectly with the spellblade.
But honestly as long as you have stacked Devourer, BotRK, and don't suck, you can melt anything.