As far as rageblade vs bork is concerned, rageblade gives 5 straight AD, 72 AP, and 12% AS over Bork, as well as 10% spell vamp. All stats tallied up, rageblade gives straight stats worth about 5000 gold. The stacking passive is ridiculously easy to keep up so I'm just going to call it always up. The surge passive activates at 50% hp but it's basically up until you back after that, so I'm going to say at least 75% efficient there. 1950g in base stats, 1650 in the stacks, 1425 *.75 = 1070g in the surge passive. You're getting about 4670 of stats. Bork gives 2650 of straight stats. Bork also costs 600 more than rageblade. All told, Bork passive/active must be worth 2600g. When you're 6 slotted, that goes down to 2000g.
I think it's close pre-6 slots, maybe close enough to warrant it being an alternative early.
theoretically on-par, but in practice it doesn't work out as well as BotRK, for a couple reasons.
1. You lose out on the BotRK active. Jax is moderately susceptible to being kited (though less so than some, thanks to Leap Strike), but BotRK is one of a three part item combo that makes him sticky (the other two being the movespeed from triforce and slow from Randuin's). This also feeds into the other point.
2. BotRK is more practical for a whole lot of top matchups because of its increased efficiency against health stacking. Most common tops are going to build either tank, damage+1-2 tank items, or that niche that Jax himself fits into along with others like Irelia (BotRK+Triforce+tank), which means you're probably going to be dealing with at least some health stacking.
Basically, I could see raegblade being viable in a specific set of circumstances: when laning against an opponent who does not build tanky, and who has few or no escapes. Obviously subbing it for Triforce would be fucking stupid.
That aside, it's niche, certainly, but not to the same degree that Sword of the Divine or Executioner's Blade were, and even slightly less so than Atma's. I used to build it pretty often on Kayle back around S3, and it worked fairly well (would probably be better now that her Q's nerfed and stacking AP is slightly less important on her).
Wow. New Ahri is stronk. I approve of this patch just because of that.
I'm hopefully that I can do mage ahri now. I've always prefered mage over assassin ahri, but around S3 worlds ahri suddenly became THE assassin, and she got hit with nerfs that ruined the mage part :v
It's def nice that so much of her damage potential isn't frontloaded onto Charm now, at any rate. That movespeed buff on Orb opens up a lot more potential combos, mainly using it for surprise repositioning to land a Charm and follow up, as well as the even easier kiting and waveclear.