Decided to get infernal nasus, then changed my mind, so I grabbed some champs instead. Yasuo, Malzahar, and Tolan Pls.
Hated yasuo at first, couldn't play him, wasn't fun. Dropped him for a while and went back to my first love, Malz. God damn I love Malz so fucking much, and the new itemization (I played him back before S1) is so kickass on him. Sorcs, Hat, Liandry, Rylai, Zhonya, Void Staff, true damage to squishies. Your Q does half somebody's health, your W does 15% health per second (more like 18-20 if you have baron), your E is fucking space AIDS and if it bounces to somebody during a siege they pretty much have to b. And your ult obviously does a shitload of damage. And like I said, all true damage against most squishies.
He does so much fucking damage it's bullshit. Ridiculous push, great ganks, great against the no-farm assassins like Akali and Kat, since you really shouldn't die in laning phase and a couple tries at roaming will have you hitting their inhib tower. They're pretty much forced to sit there and farm under tower until they're irrelevant.
Not spamming him as much as I normally would since I have other champs to mess with but I'm 6-1 so far and I've never gone negative. I love Malzahar so much, he was the first champ I ever really loved and got good with. I'm still pre-30 on my new guy so I don't have to worry about QSS and shit, ez game ez life.
Not liking Talon as much but I've only played two games. Biggest problem is he needs an armorpen rune page and I've only got two pages right now so I have o decide whether I want to play yasuo or talon as my AD mid before I queue up.
And Yasuo. I picked him back up after my troublesome first few tries (for some reason whenever I play AD mids like Talon, Panth, Yasuo, etc. the rest of my team trolls me, so I rarely get normal games with them) and eugh...
On one hand, he's fun as fuck. Probably the most fun champ to play in the game, cool aesthetic, etc. But on the other hand he's complete bullshit and I'm not going to deny it. It's like, he's pretty okay early but kind of weak, easy to harass and we're back to seeing heavy harassers mid. But if you can just not die, once you get your shiv your power spikes ridiculously. Add IE on top of that and you're balling completely out of control. I don't think I've ever seen a champ spike so hard from so few items. And he has infinite mobility when I've always disliked the mobility creep in League. And he's yet another manaless champ. They originally said that manaless champs were gated by cooldowns and the like but none of them actually are. Kat has resets, Lee Sin gets his energy back for free and can Q like every five seconds (and ward-jump even if he can't hit it), most of the rest have pretty short cooldowns, and then Yasuo is pretty much trolling us with completely nonexistent cooldowns (his ult is 30 seconds at rank 3, for a game-winning aoe cc ult with giant damage even before you include the Q at the end which will probably kill anyone who survived the ult)
But I don't play him super often because he's teamcomp dependent. I only play him if there's multiple displacements on my team. Braum free week has been a fun time. A late game Braum ult when I've got my full build is basically GG. He kind of reminds me of Dota, he's a situational pick that's really strong when put in a team that complements his strengths. Malphite/Yasuo is nuts.