So, patch 4.10 and the Nidalee rework.
I absolutely love it, and it's a massive buff. Let's break it down.
1. Q projectile width reduced, damage moderately reduced.
2. W traps are more visible.
1. Passive movespeed bonus in brush gains an additional 20% when moving towards enemy champs. Passive also now tags enemies hit by Q or W, revealing them, giving the 30% movespeed towards them out of brush, and empowering the first Cougarform Q/W/E with 33% more damage/turning it into a targeted dash/reducing W's cooldown to 1 second if it's higher.
2. W traps have reduced base damage and no AP scaling on it, and also lose the MR/armor shred, but gain % health damage (20% at level 5 + 1% per 50 AP) and the mana cost + cooldown have been reduced.
3. You start with a rank in R.
There's a variety of other changes, but those are the big ones. The long and short of it is that Nidalee now combines the annoyance of Teemo traps with a very nasty sort of assassin-style gameplay. You can still sit back and chuck spears, but there's also another type of viable play, especially against squishy targets. I had a lot of fun playing her after the patch precisely because of that: tag someone with a spear or trap and jump on their face with a DFG + W + E + Q combo. It's especially noticeable in lane phase, because Nid has very good trading potential now: hit someone with a spear or trap, W onto them, E, and then use the reduced cooldown to W back out again.
The bottom line is that, at least in my experience thusfar, Nidalee has a much more active style of play with a very rapid switch between passive ranged harassment and in-your-face nastiness; she actually reminds me a lot of Jayce now.