Ryze shouldn't be autoing though. He should be too busy mashing every single one of his keys and orb walking to be autoing.
Well, actually, he should be autoing to maximize his damage, but actively autoing is not his forte. With the spell range decrease, he should now be in auto attack range on his target whenever he uses a spell, so he should get off a few auto attacks in between spell cooldowns.
More questions without all the flourish - I've been giving Ryze a try and I'm quite liking him, managed to push an akali out of lane, a first. I usually just get bullied myself, ended up losing, but there were a variety of problems with that game, notably a yi that singlemindedly went to jungle and killed wolves and wraiths over and over again, and litterally did not speak until about a minute before the game ended.
But is Ryze's passive worth investing in over AP? I thought so, but I also got yelled at for building manamune (how do those items change into the next tier up by the way? How do I accumulate mana charges or whatever?), which would eventually give a whoppin 1k damage. Wiki says it's something small like a few% of max mana, but it also actually actively suggests manamune! I'm not sure what to think.
I do not suggest Manamune on Ryze anymore. The Archangel's is way better, due to the wanted shield. Since Ryze is a short range mage, building tanky is preferable. Damage comes as a side effect to this, due to the item choices he has. As such, I'll recommend a few ways to build him.
Depending on how you like to play (Aggressive, defensive, passive, pushing), you can start with
Flask + 3 pots (Good all around start)
Mana Crystal + 2 pots (Aggressive start, begin bullying immediately)
Faerie Charm + 6 pots + ward (With the addition of trinkets along with the mana costs on Ryze, this is for if you really need the sustain)
Boots + 4 pots (If you need the health pots or movement speed, which you typically don't)
On your first back, build one of Tear or Catalyst.
Tear is for more damage, and if you don't need the survivability.
Catalyst has great sustain and survivability, at the cost of damage and delaying Tear.
Once you pick up both and your boots, try to figure out what you need next. Grabbing a RoA is a great thing to build early. It gives Ryze Health, Mana, and AP and becomes stronger as the game goes on. After that, start grabbing tankiness or damage, depending on what you need:
Boots: Choose between Merc Treads or Sorc Shoes. I'm a big fan of Merc Treads on Ryze, but some people will swear by Sorc Shoes, but Merc treads are the safer buy (If you need the MR and Tenacity). If you're facing heavy auto attackers, grab Ninja Tabi.
Archangel's: Stacks Tear faster, AP for Mana, tons of Mana. Amazing item on Ryze
Frozen Heart: Tons of Armor, tons of Mana, and tons of CDR. Amazing item on Ryze.
Spirit Visage: Tons of MR, tons of Health, tons of CDR, and increases your Spell Vamp healing. Consider this as suitable MR replacement for Frozen Heart.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Need Health and some more CC? Comes with free AP to use as well. The slow helps if you really need it.
Banshee's Veil: Only build this if you need more MR. The removal of Mana on this item hit Ryze really hard.
Liandry's Torment: Tons of Health, tons of MPen, and tons of damage. This item is if you really, really, need to dish out damage, but the enemy isn't building much MR.
Void Staff: AP and MPen. Build if you need to deal damage, but the enemy is stacking MR.
Randuin's Omen: Frozen Heart isn't enough Armor? Boom. Built in slow active, along with bunches of Health and Armor.
Your overall goals are this:
Get 40% CDR.
Get Mana.
Never die.
If you accomplish those, you'll usually win.
Safe build is:
RoA, Archangel's, Merc Treads, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage/Banshee's Veil, Rylai's. Is it the best? No, but it gets the job done.
And if you really want to grab Manamune after Archangel's, then at least grab Iceborn Gauntlet, so you can make more use of the AD. You might as well go big if you're going to do it.