I do wish they'd focus a bit more on older champion reworks... a lot of the traditional champions don't seem to do quite as much as they used to, with the evolving meta and new champions.
Ashe, for example, is given as a fairly low skill champion for her difficulty rating, though as you get used to her you tend to find that's untrue, in an ADC lane of dashes, teleports and other escape mechanisms, when she has a fairly effective slow, and a long cooldown stun ultimate. Varus doesn't seem to get played often for a similar reason; sure he has great poke, and lots of potential damage, but he doesn't have an "oh shit" button, and all of his spells are skill shots. This is in stark contrast to the type of champions you see bot lane, such as Ezreal (with a blink), Corki (with a fairly long range escape), and Caitlin (with a reverse dash).
Jungles suffer from this a lot too; if you don't have a dash, stun, or other way of engaging at range, you're at a severe disadvantage against those who do, as red buff is often not enough to secure a kill with the prevalence of Flash. I generally find Warwick a very safe jungle, but useless until he hits 6 for ganks. Nasus is another one I won't go into too much depth on, as his strength remains staying in the jungle as much as possible until sufficiently farmed, meaning his other lanes suffer if he doesn't gank, or he does if the gank fails, but at least he has a very strong slow mechanic that provides late game potential against AD Carries, and the ability to smack someone for insane amounts of damage if he's managed to farm enough.
Give some of the older champions some love, Riot. The Olaf rework was an interesting step in the right direction, but these steps taken seem to be fairly slow and far between.
I want Jinx to come out at some point in the near future; none of this two-three months later thing they pulled with Lucian. I wonder if Riot made some cutbacks, because they used to churn out a new, ready to play champion every 2-4 weeks, though that may be how the more traditional champions got screwed in the first place.