Finish learning to play before you ranked. Everyone will hate you if you don't
If you do ranked before at least 400-ish wins, you're not going to do anything but sink straight down to bronze 5. Your teammates will hate you because you WILL drag them down with you.
This is LAUGHABLY wrong. Do you even know what the point of ranked is? Have you ever SEEN Bronze 5? Have you ever talked to a Bronze player?
Because what you said right there is so horribly incorrect, it angers me.
You can do ranked with 0 wins for all I care. Ranked is about finding out where you belong. You DO NOT drag your teammates down. You DO NOT get carried to high Elo. THERE IS NO ELO HELL, and it's comments like this that just put the blame on their teammates. I don't care if your teammate is Bronze 5 skill level. If you're not, then you won't be brought to Bronze 5.
Wherever you end up in ranked is where you deserve to be. If you deserve to be higher, then you'll get there eventually. If you end up in Bronze 5? Well, then you deserve to be there too. It's not your teammates' faults. They didn't drag you to the bottom. And you didn't drag them either.
I've talked to Bronze players. I understand how and why they are in Bronze. I've been to Bronze. A lot of them have this mentality. Teammates don't drag you down. You drag yourself down. And the same goes for the opposite. Only you can carry yourself.
In fact, I'm watching a Bronze player carry himself out of Bronze as we speak. The only thing he realized was that he's the only one responsible for him being Bronze. He's learning how to play. A lot of Bronze players prefer sub-optimal item builds, so he's finding better builds and items, and learning situations where it's better to build which items. And he did this in Bronze 5. They're not all bad players.
but when is "finished learning how to play" defined?
Technically you can never be finished learning how to play, since you'd get something from each game. >__>
Play right now if you want. Ranked is about learning how to play, just as much as normals. You don't need any number of wins to play ranked. All you need is 16 champions. If you end up in Bronze, you end up in Bronze. But, I've seen you play, and you're not bad. You're just inexperienced, and the only way to get experience... Is playing the game.
I will say this though: Learn a few things about other roles. I know you know mid and jungle, but do you know top? ADC? Support? The role you get depends on your team and your ability to interact with them. Some of them will give you mid. Some of them will give you jungle. Some of them will give you support. If you're willing to play every role, then feel free to ranked. If you're not, then play something you don't feel comfortable with in a normal.
No lies: Anyone can be platinum without mechanics. It takes a lot of game knowledge, but it's incredibly doable.
So, play when you think you'll do well. Or if you want to know how well you're doing. Ranked is there to offer you knowledge on how well you compare to other people. That's what it's there for. Not any of this "400 wins" garbage. I can tell you that the number of wins you have means nothing. I have 800 some, and I still suck. I know people with 2000 wins that suck. And I know people with 100 wins that could destroy me. What does it matter how many wins you have?
TL;DR: Play ranked. Ward. Don't rage.