Ok, new fav top of the month for me is Karthus, especially with all the Zed's Lee's and Kha'Zix's mid it's unsuspecting to see Karthus top and he can dominate the lane vs many melee champs.
I build him like Singed so he is quite tanky but his Defile does so much damage you don't need to start with lots of AP and its easy enough to last hit to regain mana. Karthus is so OP anyway but on top he is just evil, Wall of Pain means easy to attack and easy to retreat, while running away you can deal constant damage with the Defile on and if you die or think you can't escape then it's easy to deal tons of damage.
I love it so much I got 4 man ganked but still made it to my tower before dying and then R killed them all, they shut down my killing spree and in death I get it back again
God I love Troll champs.
That's not really a troll champ. Or even a troll pick. In fact, there's nothing trollish about anything you did at all. It's more unconventional than anything. It's also not that bad of an idea. Karthus isn't really the best ganker, nor does he have a lot of escape power, but he can help out any lane he wants with R. So, if you stick him top, he can do pretty well with his longer range Q. The only downside is the obvious: He's stupidly squishy. Also, top champs are incredibly mobile and/or sustainy. So, he won't win a duel, but he can win a poke battle, if he can hit them.
Slightly aside, but similar: I like to play Xerath top. Occasionally, I will send the top to mid, since we'll have unfortunate match-ups. They'll either continue swapping, or they'll get pretty hurt. Things like AD assassins or even bruisers can win against Xerath's weaknesses, while simultaneously giving me a much better lane. Xerath will do well against champs with low mobility. This works especially well against things like Katarina, Diana, or Akali whose mobility is a nightmare for Xerath. Though, this can depend a lot on the champs. I might have to take the brunt of the punishment if they're match-up top is much better, as Xerath is a late-game champ, so winning my lane isn't nearly as important.
Anyhow, take that as advice. Also, not trolling. Just different. Learn the difference.