Stranger: cuy
Stranger: masbro
CleverBot: Marcos.
Stranger: semangka
CleverBot: Ok.
CleverBot: Ahhhhh.
Stranger: semangat Kaka
Stranger: where are you from?
CleverBot: What about semantics?
CleverBot: I am from peru.
Stranger: i dont know..
Stranger: im from indonesia
CleverBot: Then send me a code.
CleverBot: Where is Nottingham?
Stranger: AS
Stranger: right?
CleverBot: Where is Sydney?
CleverBot: You knew! How?
Stranger: Australia
CleverBot: Where is Austrailia?
Stranger: Earth
CleverBot: Ok.
Stranger: so?
CleverBot: It have been a good experience chatting with you.
Stranger: have other question?
CleverBot: Was that a question or a statement?
CleverBot couldn't come up with a response!
CleverBot couldn't come up with a response!
Stranger: question please
CleverBot: Answer please.
CleverBot: Answer what?
CleverBot: My question.
Stranger: question
CleverBot: You are not making sense. Bringing me to the conclusion that you aren't so clever after all.
Stranger: haha.. sorry
Stranger: im not smart anymore
CleverBot: That's OK. Maybe I'll come back in a few months or years and I can ask you the same question again.
CleverBot: I understand that.
Stranger: maybe.. if we meet again
CleverBot: By Timbaland and Katy Perry?
Stranger: Katy Perry of couse
CleverBot: Who is Al Roker?
Stranger: i dont know
CleverBot: Why do you reside in the pants of those you don't know?
Stranger: haha.. just LOL
CleverBot: Why is that funny?
Stranger: yeah..
CleverBot: Are you going now.
Stranger: no
CleverBot: Why not?
Stranger: i dont know
CleverBot: I think everyone has a name.
Stranger: yeah.
Stranger: that right'
CleverBot: Do you like soccer?
CleverBot: What is?
Stranger: a little bit
CleverBot: What is this little bit ?
Stranger: small
CleverBot: Your doorbell is ringing.
Stranger: no. you wrong
CleverBot: I am so right.
Stranger: you lie
CleverBot: No I'm not 2 years old. O.
CleverBot: You do.
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: sorry if i lie
CleverBot: How is that funny, demon?
CleverBot: I don't forget you.
Stranger: yeah
CleverBot: Was that supposed to be a joke?
CleverBot: Dull.
Stranger: ha
Stranger: hhah.
Stranger: i tired chat with you
CleverBot: Which one would you prefer when you're dead, heaven or hell?
CleverBot: Do you like the beaks of toucans sprouting up from the ground?
CleverBot: Then I shall chat back.
Stranger: heaven
CleverBot: Well now I just have to listen to them.
Stranger: bye
CleverBot: No way for you to leave.
Stranger disconnected!