you guys doin that trope where you make nature something special and magical so it's worthy of protection? i hate that.
you saw james cameron' avatar? i hate it, it tries to convey all this crap about living in harmony with nature, only pandoras nature is nothing like nature, at all, it's more like one of those automated "houses of the future" you used to read about in curiosity magazines and crappy tv documentaries. if we had a nature that awesome here on earth(in the way that M. Sues are awesome), it'd be pretty easy not to destroy it. We don't, but that doesn't make destroying ecosystems cool.
I get this is a fantasy setting, and i'm ok with spirits of nature magically rewarding those who defend it, etc. but "hey, i know why elves are so uptight about mass logging, it kills creatures in another dimension" makes it sound as if the goal of halting the destruction of forests wouldn't be worth pursuing if they weren't magic, and that annoys me, not because i'm a tree-hugging hippy or an elf lover, i'm not, but because it reeks with hypocrisy and missing-the-pointisy
we don't need for trees to be magical beings in another world for mass logging to be a crime; the destruction of non-sentient forests actively harms the real world, and has done so since the beginning of civilization, and thats why the elves should fight to prevent it, not because every time you cut a tree, "god kills a kitten" in another dimension