Ok Evil Cherry appears to be offline so I'm posting now. (Again you still get your income so it's no big loss. I really expect everyone to miss turns now and then.)
Turn 3
Note if I denote 10T I mean 10 tibers per turn. If I say 10 tibers, you get 10 tibers just this once. For future reference.
Remember if you spent favor or resources and fail you still spent it
Just a reminder.
Decia Equus: Ranch is now 12T. Numitor welcomes your commitment to horses and names you leader of the Aux Horse. (Stuff like this goes in “positions” once you get it.) Keep in mind that there is plenty of stuff to do with horses, feel free to spend some trying to breed better ones, or sell them for extra cash, our use them and some cash to form a wagon trade mission. Get creative I look forward to it.
The Tullius Family: 25 to navel venture Small shipyard constructed as a Civic Venture! Numinator is pleased by this and awards you with 3 Imperial Favor and a small fishing ship 5T (Ship is a business).
Numinator likes the idea of a wall to defend the city but feels it would be too expensive to wall the entire thing at this time. Instead he asks the senate to vote on the construction of an inner wall to protect the palace the senate and the forum as well as the homes near them. This would cost each family 50T each to be paid over 5 years.
Torir Family: Spear Factory 5T. Resource Add: Spear Reliquary. You may turn out the spears of your factory to arm emergency civilian troops.
The Aragii: Claypits sited. Your pottery guild is now safe from changes in supply. (Mark this down and remind me when I inevitably forget about it.)
The emperor is horrified by the quality of Roman pottery and covets the Etruscan’s pots. HE DECIDES TO LAUNCH A RAID.
Knavii Family: Civic Project small fishing wharf is complete. Numitor awards you 2 small fishing ships 10T and 1 Imperial favor.
Also gains position of Head Senator due to popular support.
Augustine Family: Bronze Works (not weapons/armor, this is art objects) 15T Numitor commissions a statue of Romulus and Remus +1 Imperial Favor
You gain Generalship of 1 Legion.
Imperial Movement
RAID IS LAUNCHED ON THE ETRUSCANS. Try to influence its purpose, area, extent, unit sent, etc.
The emperor calls for a vote on the wall.
The emperor suggests someone build some of those javelins he keeps hearing about. Numitor is pleased that we now have some ships.
The military is now 3.5 legions. 500 bow aux, 500 horse aux.