This is a game where you play as the most prominent families of the Roman Empire. Your goal is to influence events to your own personal favor while preventing the downfall of the Empire.
The Emperor is controlled by the GM <-Me for the sake of the emperor acting suitably emperor like. (Expect a Nero to go off and mess things up every so often.) A player can temporarily seize the purple sash and be emperor in an attempt to swag massive personal gain, however this will cause events that will be massively detrimental to the empire and probably get all the other players to remove them in due time.
We will start with seven families. (There will be opportunities for new players later in the game. Specifically I'll want people to lead Carthage and Sparticus's rebellion and other new events.)
Post families like this:
Resources: (Money, slaves, tradegoods, imperial favor points)
Businesses: (Type, income, location) (also total income per turn)
You will need to keep this updated and add it to
each of your posts in this topic to keep everyone informed of what you have.
Everyone starts with 100 Tibers! (Money)
Everyone has 1 senator! (Actions per turn)
Your action for the first turn is to buy your first business. Tell me what you want (example: copper mine, grain farm, vineyard, olive orchard, potters guild, etc) And tell me how much of your current money you want to invest trying to get it. (Note we are starting in the bronze age so don't get far afield from historical industries.)
Once we have seven players I will announce the income of these ventures and we begin the proper game.
Then you can use you senatorial actions to do things like lobby for war, whip up the mob, found gladiator schools, try to buy new positions, build civic works, etc (really this is up to you!). There are two routes to power: 1. Your own wealth 2. Imperial favor. Keep in mind that the first provincial governors will get massive economic boosts so you want the emperor to like you. Imperial favor is what gets you generalship of legions and entrance into the consulate so you would do well to cultivate it.
Now for the last information.
The Emperor is Numitor! He wants to conquer new lands to gain more riches for Rome. He cares little for trade but does encourage a level of civic works. As he is the founding Emperor he is not crazy or decadent and is fairly competent. Keep in mind that he will not live forever though.
The Empire has 3 legions of 1000 men each.
They carry bronze tipped spears and medium wood shields. They are a civilian militia. They wear leather curiass and helmets. They can only fight in a phalanx formation.
The Empire does not have enough horses to train Calvary. Light archers can also be trained. Currently the empire can train 500 troops per turn.
The Empire has 15000 Tibers. It earns 500 Tibers a turn in taxes. is the map of the Empire at this time. Warning VERY LARGE.
The biggest threat to the Empire is the Etruscans, who live in the north.