The concept of secrets being passed by gods is good and all , but how's about random chancing and yet more fun?
1.Chance of tamed creatures breaking free if your dungeon keeper or animal tamer is of low skill level.
Fun indeed.
2.Magical items that are good at one thing but bad at another, caused by strange moods or if you discover something. ex: A enchanted crossbow named Stormkeeper which shoots small bolts of electricity that deal piercing and fire damage , along with knocking them a small distance away at the cost of making the wielder lose skills easier than normal and making them very weak towards actual damage.
3.Treasure, treasure is protected by skeletons or a single demon that do not turn hostile until you unforbid the chest , and may contain : Golden crafts, magical runes on slabs (That alow the making of minor magical items as in not the medieval equivelent of a laser gun as above),bottled experience (A designation will apear and you may select the dwarf to drink it , random skill in the enabled labors will be increased by one rating as long as it wouldn't go into legendary
),suits of armor , weapons ,
practical items,and the
idiot(s) miner(s) who excavates it will get a happy thought from finding it. Incredibly fun if the demon is a blob that can cause fatal syndromes.
4.Ruins, populated by dwarf zombies , and contain unrepaired workshops, migrant like military dwarves (That automaticly get a good thought if you assist them) along with a magical book that alows a randomly selected dwarf to be able to craft magical weapons. If the book is stolen , the crafter of the weapon rack , the user of the book , and the soldier who wields it will get a very bad thought(Also , this magical crafting only includes a specific weapon , as in no flaming swords for a laser crafter , even though it's aready fun.)
They aren't really secrets but more of just suggestions to use that are
somewhat related to secrets.