I'll have no respect for the Grand Theft Auto Roguelike unless it has tons and tons and tons of cars.
Ohh and the Superbike. The fact that no GTA game past the first (or second possibly) had the super bike is a crime against humanity!
This thing that was ridiculously fast and that was causing me to crash into pretty much everything? Oh my, I remember it now, good old times. This is duly noted
I had better be able to sell all those cars.
Selling stolen cars raise some gameplay issues. It's basically a infinite money cheat code. That's why it's not really included in GTA (except for specific collection side-quests). However, my NPC will have to buy their cars (like everything else), so i may be able to find a balance here. Lots of cars stolen -> lots of cars bought by NPC -> buying and selling price decreases. I'll think about it.
I had better be able to rig all those cars with explosives and wait for some jackass to try and carjack me.
Cars are the "cherry on top" of the game. They'll come relatively late in the development (but they *will* come as they are kinda essential to future projects). This said, I see no reason that would prevent me from allowing this kind of behavior. It also makes me remember the "put a grenade in someone's pocket" from Fallout. Hmm.
After a while the game bugs on me and It won't stop moving me. Makes it almost unplayable
As far as i know, the only way the player would auto-move is by clicking on the map everywhere while your player is already executing your orders. The game not being multithreaded yet, successive mouses orders are queued. So if you click everywhere while your character is already moving he will follow blindly your accidental orders, which can take quite a long while depending on how much you went click-happy. If this is your issue, the only solution right now is to be careful or to use keyboard for movement. If it's not, I will investigate.
(EDIT: DUDE is that a Kunio sprite for the player character?
No idea, i think Deon knows where most of my sprites are coming from. Tiles are from me, but most items and characters are randomly taken from Google image (mainly from RPG Maker 2000 sprite databases afaik) as a temporary solution.
I get "I/O Error 32" whenever I try to save after loading a previous save.
It's a Window's error message meaning that the file is already open by another program (or in this case by itself). I just reproduced your error, my bad. It seems that i managed to mess up the closing of one of the 2 files used to save a game (world.sav). Thanks for the report, I will fix that this week ASAP.