I'm about to give up with the military.
It was a good fort too. When the ambush came, I had a 5-man squad of hammerdwarfs decked out in Masterwork steel breastplates and exceptional silver warhammers. I had another squad of five marksdwarves, who had been practicing diligently at the archery ranges. I also had Cletus the county sherrif and his deputies with leather jackets and nerf bats.
The plan was simple: let the outside traps soften up the invasion force. They then have to pass through "the boot", an L-shaped bend with two archery stations at the base of the "heel": a 1-row channel, then a fortification, so the archers could get a clear line of fire down both paths. After the bootcame a last line of cage traps, and finally the hammer-dwarfs. behind them was the city guard's burrow, then the civilian zones.
At first everything went perfectly. The alret sent soldiers running for their burrows, and ivilians boting for the entrance. Not one single casualty out in the field. The gobbos advanced slowly towards the entrance.
Suddenly, Cletus snaps. For no good reason at all, he charges past the hammer-dwarves, past the marksdwarves, out of the trapline, to face a dozen goblins in the open field. He stopped charging after the first dozen crossbow bolts hit him. He stopped breathing after about five dozen more iron bolts were pumped into his body.
That's when everyone caught the stupids. The deputies about a minute after the massacre decided either "We gotta help him!" or possibly "dibs on his boots", and promptly charge out into iron rain. The gobbos proceed to walk in, geting brused and bouced a bit by the traps finally, and then proceed to walk into the boot. The marksdwarves decided that this was a good time to save their ammo, and simply watched as the crossbowmen proceeded to massacre the wardogs. The goblins decided that coming inside would be too much of a hassle, so just milled aimlessly around the front hall for a bit. That eventually pissed off the marksdwarves, who, instead of simply shooting the bastards, decided to run out and club them to death insteads. Once the Marksmen were safely disposed of, the hammerdwarves finally decided "This time will work for sure", and proceeded to run out into the fray themselves, where theytoo were mowed down by the blistering hail of bolts.
At least the civilians were smart enough to stay put.
What the hell guys?