I like the archeology idea and would like to port it over to a personal pack of mixed mods..
So which parts of the raws should I be looking for?
Also.. what parts are related to the Meowkin?
And what can I leave out of their entity file?
I meant I DO like them, but what raws are directly related to them
and what from this mod can I take out of their entety file so that I can use them in another mod?
Oh boy, where to begin...
LFR's archaeology lab...
...Unfortunately, you'll find that it's pretty heavily interwoven with other elements of the mod. It requires advanced mechanisms (a custom tool) to construct, which themselves require another custom building, toy, and reaction to unlock...
...And then the reaction products are an even bigger mess, calling custom materials from custom templates, custom weapons, custom gems, custom tool types... You would need to basically gut the reactions and the building reagents if you wanted to actually use any of this outside of LFR and rebuild them from scratch, which is not something you'd need my permission for (except for the building artwork, which you're welcome to use as long as I'm credited).
The meowkin are a lot easier to separate, involving the following files almost exclusively...
The only issue you should find here is a reference in the entity to a custom weapon (the quarterstaff), which you can easily replace with [WEAPON:ITEM_WEAPON_SPEAR] or something.
If you want to include the graphics, you'll need...
And you'll need to dig their tile page and offsets out of graphics/graphics_custom_lfr.txt, which is really easy since that file is separated pretty nicely into little sections.
Dont know if you already know this, but you can use CAST_COLOR and ADD_COLOR instead of AS_IS in the graphics file to give the castes a different hue. Not sure how useful that is for you, but I just added it for my magical units, so people can easier identify their mages. Your emberlights could have a red glow on them for example, and they would still use their dwarven sprites.
Sorry if this is known, I feel like spamming this around, since I mentioned it in three threads now... ^^
I appreciate the heads up here. I knew about ADD_COLOR, but not about CASTE_COLOR. Do these take any arguments, and if so, are they in standard 0:0:0 color form or actual color tokens?