No idea about your predicament, simonthedwarf.
Narhiril, wouldn't it be interesting for engravers to engrave about the Gods? I believe this sort of things can be possible the same way you have the easter egg.
They already engrave images of minions of the Old Gods, but these tend to be rare as they depend heavily on preferences. The list of shapes for a dwarf to prefer is a hell of a lot shorter than the list of creatures, so nyan cats seem to pop up a lot more often. I can very easily add to this category, and symbols and images of Old Gods seem like a very appropriate idea.
You did not fix pets/tamable creatures in this mod? I captured a Giant Rat, and I have a dungeon keeper, the rat is in the cage but I can't select him for taming by the tame large animal job at the kennel.
I do my best not to touch stock raws with LFR for compatibility reasons. Removing the [PET_EXOTIC] tag and just putting in [PET] instead is a good fix for this problem, but I have not done this by default because I would rather allow users as many cross-compatible mod opportunities as possible.
I've solved most of them through modding myself, but I'd like to point out very solemnly that orichalum and a very low chance reaction product being crucial to 2nd advancement of tech tree and it being very random whether or not you find any damascus sentinels for the 3rd makes for extremely annoying gameplay. Your mod is great Nahir but you should make it a bit easier to advance. For instance I do not think it would be a bad idea for damascus sentinels to be sieging from the underground or be a little more frequent. Just my 5 wealth.
Following my own recommended mineral settings, I have NEVER had trouble finding orichalcum, even without a reveal hack or anything of the sort.
As for the second tier... the product you are looking for is either a 1% or 2% product of a documentation reaction, which I will admit, sounds VERY low, but you need to consider that while you are using training workshops, this reaction is basically free. As few as two training workshops - a sparring partner and a morgue are both very easy to get up and running for extended periods of time - can run one documentation reaction on repeat
indefinitely. That 1% or 2% chance translates to a few products per year if you're doing hundreds of documentation reactions - all of which can be done completely input-free once it's set up.
I believe there is some confusion here regarding the third tier - damascus sentinels are NOT required to advance the tech tree at ANY stage. Killing a damascus sentinel is a method of obtaining the precision tool kit you need for the first tier, which can ALSO be obtained by finding orichalcum or getting it from a greater ritual of knowledge.
The third tier of the tech tree is unlocked with a rainbow diamond, which will pop up often if you're making hadrine (25% per reaction) or - if you happen to be breeding carbuncles religiously - you may get a nice little surprise.
anyone got some pointers on how I can change the prayer for shelter reaction to add more wood, more frequently?
[NAME:perform the lesser ritual of shelter]
The bold number is percent chance.
For some reason, this version of LFR, I keep getting kobold blood tracked all over the damn place. It never happened in the previous version. Dwarves constantly going to 'Clean Self'. Anyone got any idea why this keeps happening?
Not a clue, and I haven't been able to reproduce it. Check your d_init file and make sure you have
If that isn't the issue, I'll be happy to take a look at the save.