First of all, freaking Great Mod! I almost cant stop playing df since i use it^^
To share some of the awesomeness: (keep in mind im a df noob tough, so this might be uninteresting for most of you)
My first Fort in this mod held out for about 3 Years, a Bog Troll attack tore me apart. I Had set up my Military a year earlier, with an almost full Mithril Set for every Soldier (Some had a bit of Steel here and there, whcih i traded off a Caravan, i hillariously overdid it in Terms of Wealth). Half a Year after the funding i finally found some Orichalcum and made use of the Training Buildings, i was pretty confident my 10 Guys would be able to deal with most Threats that could come from outside. I was wrong, very wrong. When the Bog Trolls came i lured them into my Entrance Hallway, so my Dorfs could deal with one or two at a time, and not the entire Hoard. Still those Guys killed one Soldier after another, i dont know if i can be proud about this, but atleast i killed 3 before my Military fell. Afterwards i pulled all other Civilians into the Military and tried a Suicide attack. Funny enough, The Dwarf that survived the longest was the Legendary Cheesemaker that migrated into my Fort and was compeltely useless til the attack.
That stuff happened about an hour or two ago, and i have to say it was the most epic DF Fort i ever played. But i will probably have to change my habits and Buildorders for this mod if i want to survive other Onslaughts like that^^
Anyway, really great Mod and a big Thank you from Switzerland for making it!
PS. Just a quick Question, are Deep Wolves Trap and Tameable?