Still not sure if I should grab this yet...
My problems are that if I grab it now and its too unplayabe/unfinished it might get lost in the steam library and never played again when it gets better...
Well, in short... what you can do for end game is build a large high tech base and kill everyone in the world.
You can only control up to 20 people.
Early game is a challenge to survive, if you do not cheeze it by dragging enemies over to town as the 'default' way to deal with em. I've had multiple times where my whole party have been knocked out and I'm telling the enemy to 'go away faster' so I can save those who are bleeding out. I've managed to lose some people to that. I've also risked it by having someone playing dead get up early and rush to heal 2-3 others before they go down hard.
This would be worse if the enemies were the Cannibals.
the samurai groups that roam around are incredibly powerful. 30-40 in all their skills and the strongest armor in the game with decent weaponry, plus good numbers. The only issue is that they lack mobility due to how much that armor slows them... not that it matters much atm, bandits are very keen to throw themselves at them in this version, until most of them are dead and maybe 1-2 retreat. Still needs threat assessment.
The dead cat roams and merc roams both have lightly armored fighters with 20-30 skill. I'd say the very strongest groups you find are those guarding the free trader outposts, all are 40 skill, despite their light armor they can wreck most groups. Strongest single NPCs are the lone adventurers guild members you occasionally see around wearing rare armors and with 40-50 skill.
(This assuming at the start of a game. NPCs will grow stronger the more fights they survive. Unless they are bandits, in which case its more likely they will die in their first fight than anything because they dont carry medkits.)
I wish dust bandit at least were carrying basic medkit tho, so they can heal up faster thus increasing the rate of attack maybe? I dont know the coding beind the attacks tho .
Nah, medkits will only be used when they all win a battle and have the time to heal.(You can set it so that they put some priority over healing, but using Cannibals as an example, they will end up prioritizing healing over fighting the enemy, so they'd get knocked out while not defending themselves, ending up in a never-ending rout.)
The developer actually slowed down the rate of attacks, because it was happening too frequently. It can be modified so that attacks come in sooner though.