Melee combat is vicious and bloody.
Melee combat may occur at range 1 or range 0, with differing effects depending on the range.
At its core, fighters in Melee combat make opposing D10 rolls, with modifiers depending on their weapon. There are five different actions that can be undertake during Melee combat. An attack goes to the damage section if the difference between the two rolls is at least the listed number.
1. Generic fighting (damages on +1)
2. Defensive fighting (damages on +3, +2 to opposing damage on value)
3. Change distance (damages on +2, changes distance (1 to 0 or 0 to 1) on -1)
4. Disarm opponent (not available at range 1, removes opponents weapon on a +2)
5. Disengage (only available at range 1, runs away from combat)
Any firearm may be fired at range 1, with a -3 to the melee roll for that turn. Weapons with the concealable tag (meaning that it's a relatively short weapon) only take a -1 to be fired at range 1, and may also be fired at range 0 with a -3 for the melee roll and a -1 to hit.
If a fighter gets an attack through, the target table is rolled to decide where the hit connects, followed by a d6 to determine the amount of damage (1 miss, 2-3 minor, 4-5 Major 6 critical), bleeding effects determined by GM discretion.
+1 Damage
+1 Range 1
+3 Range 0
Knuckle enhancement weapons (includes very short clubs and rocks)
+1 Damage
+2-4 (depending on weapon) Range 0
+2 Damage
+3 Range 1
-1 Range 0
Bats/ Clubs
+1 Damage
+2 Range 1
-1 Range 0
Long swords/ axes / heavy clubs
+4 damage
+1 Range 1
-4 Range 0
+1 Range 0
SMG's/Assault Rifles/Shotguns
+1 damage
+1 range 1
-1 range 0
Long guns
-1 range 1
-2 range 0
Heavy weapons
-3 to all ranges
May be triggered in melee, for all kinds of fun.
Surprise Melee attacks gain a +4 for the first attack. Those with skill in Melee (close combat/ hand-to-hand) fighting may take a -2 to any attack to make it a called hit to a body part of their choice. Strong gives a permanent +1 bonus to attack rolls, agile and dexterous each have a 50% chance of giving a +1 every turn.