You are awesome man. I was curious about this game and wanted to try this out. Thanks.
You sir, are a saint, or insane.
He's a true dwarf for being both.
The people that complain about it being too DF-like to be at ripoff status are just being asshats. Tried it out, and both games play differently (not that it's a bad thing). But really people, do research before you bash; or at least let things take their course. Not a fan or curious about something? Then don't pay attention to it. Simple as that.
Now for anyone that tries to steal the source code for DF and pass off their own from the original game as a base (and I'm not referring to Total Conversion Mods like the Wastelands mod for example), expect rage from everyone including the almighty Toady One himself. Plus, replicating DF even at it's basest element will still take a considerable amount of time, especially looking back at when the first releases were, and how many had been released since then up to it's present version with tons of trial and error over the course of the releases.
If something is ever a rip off, it would have to be damn close to what the product it's ripping off is. Dwarfs?! plays like an arcade (more like some of the classic DOS games of olde. Lemmings level of fun, I would compare it to), Dwarf Fortress is a fantasy world generator which also happens to be a very elaborate sandbox.