I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets a bit put off by some of the rediculous, wacky stuff the procedurally generated monster creator puts out. Feathered, flying capybara boogiemen, Snow elephant demonic hordes, impossibly dumb forgotten beasts.
So I had a thought. Using dfworldtinker, it's possible to export the raws of these wayward beasts... it's also possible to edit them and import them back in. But I wonder... how far could one take it? Is it possible to take those monsters that are just too dumb to live... and make them not living anymore? Could it be as simple as adding the [DOES_NOT_EXIST] tag to the ones that shouldn't be... and have them not be anymore?
Right now, I'm generating a series of high beast-count worlds, and exporting all the beasties out of them. Then, I'm perusing the list for things I'd actually like to encounter, and putting them in a separate file. I have flaming demonic serpents, dinosaurid forgotten beasts, beings of smoke and shadow to plague your nightmares.
I plan on trying to make them into regular beasts in a raw files. I will change the names to match those that the procedural generators will spit out (like [CREATURE:DEMON_1]), then generate a world which supposedly should have 0 of these creatures. I think I might need to drop the Forgotten Beasts, since it looks like you can't turn those off. But especially the Demons and Boogiemen, I hope will work. History is rarely generated for them, so there shouldn't be too much confusion in the game on them.
So this is a thread on !!SCIENCE!!, of the procedural variety. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Also, any really choice beasts that the game has shown you... ones that are truly gems of both some kind of weird fantastical realism, and possible challenge? Please send em my way.