choobakka: 44
Krath: 34
Dwarmin: 43
Taricus: 3
wolfchild: 51
Talarion: 52
TURN 1/25
Bruce and Tina arrive at the party to find it in full swing. They split up for awhile so Bruce can speak to the President of GenCorp, JK Woodward. (Talarion: Difficult Event=4: 4) Tina socializes with Bruce's coworkers and ends up talking to a charming younger man named Drew. (wolfchild: Medium Event=3: 2) The drinks are kept in bottles and poured directly to the glasses as this is a fancy party; no chance for spiking the drinks unfortunately. (Choobakka: Medium Event=3: 5) For a corporate party, this is lively! Everyone's having a good time. (Dwarmin: Medium Event=3: 2) Tina is quite taken with Drew and begins flirting openly. No one notices them head to the coat room, or come out an hour later. (Krath: Easy Event=2: 5) Bruce and JK are on friendly terms, and JK made sure to order a few bottles of Merlot for his VP. Bruce enjoys himself thoroughly.
(Taricus: Difficult Event=4: 4) Back home, the babysitter takes her eye off of Anna, giving the mischievous young girl a chance to get into her parent's medicine cabinet and cut herself on her dad's razors! Fortunately the bleeding isn't too bad, but the babysitter still has a hard time explaining what happened to Mr. and Mrs. Halford when they get home, and most certainly will not be hired again.
TEAM SUCCESS: 5 points
TEAM FAILURE: 4 points
NOTES: Team Failure has sleeper event 'Wife having an affair' in play; it is worth 4+0 points at the moment.
Congratulations Team Failure, not even one turn in and you've already humiliated the babysitter and set Bruce up for a fall later on, assuming Tina doesn't get busted. :p As for Team Success, good work in general, congrats on having the lead so early. ^^
2nd half of January - Halford Residence situation
Anna has developed an infection from her cuts, but otherwise nothing is wrong with Bruce's life - that he knows about.