First time in Zorbus i managed to kill that kobold tribe leader, i guess my character is much more promising than my previous ones.
It was a very fun battle, my old hippofolk pal unfortunately died, but managed to tame/recruit a lion (that died) , an elephant (that died) and a gorilla (that survived) all helped in the big scale battle i was in.
Running away a lot to hide and recover, closing doors, setting chokepoint to avoid getting overwhelmed (there was a couple of chaman roaming around that were summoning animals to help them).
But finally we fought and destroyed them all, clearing this 2nd floor (and getting some very good loot, no wonder that kobold tribe leader was the bane of many of my previous characters),
We even managed to discover a hidden room that ended a bit disapointing in term of loot.
Entered a portal to the trading plane and could only buy 2 healing potion (as i was out of them) as everything awesome in the shops are too expensive at my level of finances.
But i recruited a warrior on that plane before going back to the dungeon and going to floor 3, we're both level 3 and less squishy than our usual, hopefully it's going to get better for our survival.
The game is really one of the best roguelike as it feels "alive" with rooms that seems to have each a story behind them and the AI is actually great, they talk, banter , they can be afraid for their life when things do not go their way and run away, they're not in a boring "everyone vs the player" situation and can duke it out between themselves.
edit :
lost allies, gained other, the battle with the goblin king and his lackeys was very hard but with good use of shadows we could finally pick them one after another , then run away to rest and come back, until only the goblin king was standing.
He was hard but my rapier of cold was harder.
This battle with the goblins nearly felt like an epic boss fight situation , and it's only the 3 floor of the dungeon
edit more :
my character reached level 5 (a very first for me in Zorbus) , was disapointed that the skill point i added in melee opened new talents , but i didn't had any talent point to get any of them, looks like i'll have to wait for level 6 to get one.
Anyways, after some battle in a large prison-like area, found a new ally as i was alone (lost many good people and animals so far) .
With the precious help of that unicorn murder machine we managed to destroy a Hobgoblin warlord with his troops using lot of hit and run (the unicorn covered my retreat nicely every time, i wonder how he survived the whole ordeal), rest away and attract enemy to convenient places.
Hopefully after all the loot, now that i am very well equipped i should keep that character alive for more floors