3v3 at Bellenglise, playing as British. The map is large, with trenchworks extending out from the players' bases which gives way to open space before a wide river at the center. Fight was mostly excursions across the river to harass territory control, mostly German attacks since I was focusing on holding victory points. I caused a significant breakthrough across the river when I drove a
Whippet across, causing a large gap in enemy lines. Generally, AT weapons are more limited in this mod than the base game, though artillery weapons are quite effective.
As the German victory points were counting down, I had a 4.5inch howitzer covering the north-west end of the river, and pushed a Mark V tank at the southern end. Later, I noticed my AI allies were making deep inroads into enemy territory, and discovered the reason was because about the entire German army was fighting the Mark V. Their AT rifles had already immobilized it, but they were struggling to actually cause damage. The tank was turned so that most of its armament could return fire at the Germans, and more importantly, keeping the enemy in a fixed position for airstrikes.
I pushed troops in to assist, and they succeeded in forcing off the enemy. The tank survived and started being repaired. I had the rest of the infantry focus their attacks on a 7.4cm gun. Just as its crew were taken out, their last victory point ticked away.
Company of Heroes: Great War mod.