Not exactly a traditional "own", but I think it fits. Probably as an own for the playerbase itself or something.
We won a really close match on Numbani as attackers (we were in overtime, actually), quickplay matchmaker has derped again and we're playing as 6 randoms against a 5-man premade + random.
In the victory screen one of my teammates, who was the only one refusing to use the voice chat and who was out of position for pretty much 90% of the match, complained with something to the effect of "wow, we won despite out horrible healer" (just not as friendly), at which point some of my teammates and the entire enemy premade tore into him.
I ended up getting the healer card with 15k heals / healed 46% of incoming damage and 10 upvotes (only my 3rd legendary card in 2 years of playing, and my 2nd as Mercy) and 8 or so commends.
It was a very weird feeling.
I awoke from a wretched nightmare.
~Project: Gorgon
What drugs is this game on?!
A lot of them.
I remember being a pig in some earlier beta, and one of my friends was a spider.
Complete with unique skills and builds.
There is also cows, ravens (I think? If I don't remeber it wrong) and rabbits.
Been thinking of installing it again ever since it launched on steam, maybe I'll do it one day. It is pretty awesome despite the barebones graphics and grindy gameplay.