Playing Denmark vs England, as Denmark.
Initial buildup went well, and kept more pikemen ready than the English could. The only offensive action they tried was sending a block of 36 pikemen near my town, but kept running away when they ran into my formation of twice that. Produced and upgraded some musketeers, dragoons, and cannons, and used hit-and-run tactics with the dragoons to lure the (by then) hundred or so England pikemen into a killzone for the cannons and musketeers.
Continued a push forward along the map using the dragoons to whittle whatever army the English could manage. As I got a full-size company of 18th-century musketeers to the front, I also captured some English cannons and started bombing their mines with them. Pushed into their town, mowing down any inhabitants and defenders under a hail of musket fire, and captured a Town Center intact. Much of the destruction of their town was caused by them using scorched-earth tactics to deny building capture, or hit by their own cannons as they tried to fight me off. This crippled them, and when I made a final sweep of the town for any survivors, I was declared the victor. All in all, I lost at most around 60-70 men(including two officers because those guys are idiots), they lost around 350 soldiers and 150 peasants.
Fun fact: which spell card they use second depends on which one of them you damage more. I ended up getting a much easier spell card than normal.
I've beaten this game and I never knew that. I thought that it depended on which character you were.
I've always thought this too. And the only thing I saw on the Touhou wiki was that there's actually
four Prismriver sisters, but one does not appear in any game or have any official artwork.