I figured I was ready for the Twins. I had enough buffs that the liner of icons stretched across half the screen. I had a Mystic Golden Shower and Unreal MegaShark(+~750 HV Bullets). I started taking out Spasmatism, using Gravitation to stay airborne. Killed that one, started on Retinazer. Turns out killing Spas first was a good idea, since Ret gets nasty towards the end. My Gravitation and most of my other buffs ran out, and at the end me and Retinazer were blasting so much shit at one another it'd make the Orks jealous. As luck would have it, Retinazer turned away and flew off-screen. I lead his flight path and let about a hundred more high velocity rounds finish the job.
"The Twins has been defeated."
Only what happened shortly afterward could top that. Having just beaten a pirate invasion and scored some gold furniture, I set about building myself a throne room to feed my hungry ego. In the process of scrambling stuff together to make a throne, I see a message. "Skeletron Prime has awoken!" There was no preceeding warning. Before I could react, Skeletron Prime was in my base, trying to kill my doods. Intending to at least save the NPCs, I fled. I figured I may as well try it, maybe figure out his attack patterns. The only buff I had available was a hastily eaten pumpkin pie.
As it turned out, flying around and blasting him with ichor and bullets was a very good strategy. I started with 800 or so HV bullets, finished with about 50. I beat Skeletron Prime when he ambushed my in my own castle.