Final mission of the Heart of the Swarm campaign.
I need to protect the Hyperion (sort of. It's defended well. I just parked about ten Hydralisks on the Battlecruiser itself and called it a day, then morphed four of them to Impalers when the Odin came.), defend my own Hive Cluster, take out the defenses in three areas preventing more Zerg from rampaging into the enemy base, and finally destroy the Emperor's palace.
Trivial. I only need brutal, overwhelming force, and dogged tenacity. Thankfully I have both in epic quantities. I take an expansion early on, taking a base from the Dominion to my south-east, and release Zagara's brood into the fray. I consolidate for a while, taking minor probing attacks and anti-personnel artillery fire, responding in kind with reflexive Zerglings. There are few problems that cannot be solved with MOAR ZERGLINGS.
I push forward on the south-eastern end of the map, pressuring the Dominion with aid from Zagara's brood. We free Stukov's brood for battle, and I clear out the large center platform near my base, establishing a large kill zone for my patrols of Zerglings. The Hyperion was coming under increasing fire, so I sent a few more Hydralisks to aid them, and moved to free Dehaka's pack. With the final brood freed, I concentrated my efforts on wiping out the EXTENSIVE Dominon base preceding Mengsk's palace.
The Odin battered itself to death against a wall of Marines, Hydralisks, Impalers, and a bunker network. Finally, I gathered my armies, and charged Mengsk's palace.
You know that video at the beginning of the game that has the swarm of Zerg pouring into that city square and DESTROYING the Terran positions? Where Ultralisks stomp on Siege Tanks like they were toys, and Zerglings swarm packs of fleeing Marines and butcher them murderously? Where Hydralisks perforate horrified Terrans? Yeah, it was exactly like that.
I am the Zerg. I am the Swarm.
StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm