Played a couple rounds of Unreal Tournament (classic) with custom-made bots which were more hardcore than I expected when I first played against them (and were a league harder than the default set I usually played against which were challenging enough), and after weeks of having my ass handed to me on a platter by them (bottom quarter rankings), I managed to keep up with them more reliably, and score within the upper half rankings out of 8 bots on average. Mind you, I have returned to playing against them in
Godlike difficulty, and my custom bots are harder than the regular set. That alone *owns*; I got my edge back.
To add to it, recently, I played a couple CTF rounds, and managed to win both rounds, and scored 4 of the captures myself (3 capture win, 2 captures in each map). Same setup (Godlike custom-hardcore bots), small and medium maps. I had to pat myself on the back for a job well done. Not to mention, it felt nice to actually panic again when I have the flag. I mean, feeling scared enough that you're moving with your character running and jumping the corners and such inching ever so unsteadily towards the goal with tears of victory in your eyes; or disappointment when a lucky flak shot 'splodes you inches from your own flag. And my God, that screech of failure when their flag returns to base, and the klaxons blaring of your flag being taken just before you respawn... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..., and shit, they're past the halfway mark already.
Time to reclaim what was lost. "(Red) Leader, you've got Point."; Almost... Almost.