Fighting a somewhat jerkish guy on Toribash aikido, on the last round of a tournament.
He started by leaning back and preparing to kick. I grabbed his foot, and then his torso. He tried to get free, so I flipped him over sideways, onto his head, breaking his neck and disqualifying him. It was a fast round.
"Faggot" he said, then disconnected.
Hah, that sounds great. Well done!
Running with my guild, we coordinated a strike team into the heart of the Eternal Battlegrounds, the grand Stonemist Castle. After fighting in a battle so huge that my computer (no slouch either) dropped to 1fps, basically relegating me to reviving downed or dead players or dropping the odd AOE move, I was ordered with two other Warriors to go clean up the stragglers.
We three moved out - three very seperate builds. My Axe/Axe mixed Zerker/Roamer which is really just designed to lower the guard of the opponent by slapping Vulnerability on them, plus its burst move Eviscerate is like a jumping backhanded axe pimp slap that hurts like a little bitch.
One guildie's Sword/Axe Duelist build, which deals low-moderate damage and bleeds them until they go down from blood loss, alternating with a Greatsword for movement and flat damage.
Another guildie's Greatsword / Axe/Sword Berserker build. We fought six people at once - with a combination of stacking might on each other with our respective buff Shouts, and our high base health allowing revives when we got downed, resulted in a resoundingly fun cleanup for us and a humiliating defeat for the six straggling foes.
Guild Wars 2, on Ehmry Bay World vs World, against Eredon Terrace and Kaineng.