Okay, greatest round of SS13 RP yet, for me.
I start as a Chemist... And a Changeling. The other medbay guy comes up, and asks for help. We go to an isolated area, and... He stings me. -.- After realizing his mistake, we go back to work. I step outside Medbay, and see the HoS, a female who's name I'd interacted with in previous rounds. I make some small talk about how I know no chemistry, and she suggests a job change to Security, as she has no other officers.
Oh my. Is this utterly perfect or what? Just wait.
I get changed, and go to the brig to dress out. I'm changing my clothes and such, about done, and the HoS comes up and says, "I can open the Armory if you need extra supplies." Yeah. That's right. The HoS just invited the goddamn changeling into the most secure part of the ship outside the vault.
It gets better.
We get inside, and I make a failed attempt to grab her. She stuns and cuffs me, then asks if I was trying to murder her. I say no, and she immediately jumps to the conclusion that I was trying to rape her. I ask for a lawyer or otherwise impartial legal defendant, and another Sec-Officer I'd played with just jumped on. He offers to be my lawyer. Another cop is going to be Judge. HoP is going to be Prosecution.
We RP the trial, where I try to make it seem like she came onto me in Medbay, and I just made a mistake. Meanwhile a security issue makes the trail call for a recess. We dash off (Yes, me too) to deal with an issue in the chapel. Another changeling. He tries to change and escape, which is retarded when there are five Sec-Officers in the room with tasers out. He is summarily cremated.
I dash back, and ask on the Changeling Comms for a new body because there is no way no one is going to realize I'm NOT a changeling now. I get the clown from another 'ling, right as my lawyer finds me and brings me back to the court. Another security problem has the HoS drop all the charges, and reinstate me as a Sec-Officer. They give me back my headset, and me and the HoS talk for a minute. She tells me that she would probably have understood if I'd explained I thought she was coming on to me. I apologized, and we went back to patrol.
Then, something went wrong. I was overheating. The fire icon was flashing. I was dying. I had to get to a bathroom or the dorms to hide until I could regen. I made it into the outer area of the locker room, and thankfully no one was around when I came back. Except the text was delayed. I exited the room, and it popped up right as I passed in front of the Arrivals checkpoint. My lawyer-cop was in there, and saw the regeneration text. I was blown.
"**** IS A LING" He screamed into all the channels. I stepped outside his door, and put my baton into my backpack. The door opened, and he tazed me, beat me, and stripped me. He dragged my half-dead corpse to the crematorium where something happened. I regenerated with the HoS dragging me.
Suddenly I was being dragged by the HoS to the Interrogation cell. Inside, she sat me in the chair, and whispered, "Damn it, did you check your PDA?" Nope. I keep it in the Internals Box. She argued with the Captain to Permabrig me after I pointed out another Changeling. One they'd already caught. He allowed it, and she would be my warden.
They left me for a minute, with a Cyborg. I conversed with him for a time, then they took me to permabrig.
Inside permabrig, the HoS came and spoke to me, several times. It was quite interesting RP. She discussed various methods of escape for me. That's right. The HoS was trying to save the Changeling that almost killed her. Apparently the station was in chaos. Finally, the shuttle was called, and she gave me some armor and her gun, and had me beat her up a bit. I dragged her into the Security Pod, and announced through her headset that she was my hostage, and if anyone came near us, I would kill them on sight. I told the Captain that I was in the Engineering pod, because Security pod was broken, which it was. The window was smashed. We were on Internals.
The Borg that had guarded me commed, "Fryer, you traitorous bastard!"
I wish I could have explained to it.
The pods launched. We have escaped. The next part is... Depressing.
I had not buckled in to my chair. The front pod window was smashed out. I got sucked out the front into space. I do not know if she managed to stay inside or not. I hope so. But now I have a new Byond friend.