Playing through a battle that had stomped me before, leading a group of guerillas out of Caracas through some pissed-off not-Russians. Last time I tried it, a single grenadier dropped my entire party, including the guerillas, to half HP in one shot. This time, I managed to flank the entire first squad of enemies, eventually trapping them between my main guys and the guerrillas. The problem came when their leader, a melee enemy who can also paralyze someone with 100% success, came with his group, while I was dealing with some snipers(armed with bazookas, actually). Still stomped them all, and lost nobody in the process.
Next battle was much harder. Held out at the starting area, while their three missileers kept pounding my guys. First, my sniper goes down(she was out of ammo anyway). Then, my leader runs out of ammo for her machine gun, then loses the arm with the shotgun. My repairer can't fire because he's too busy keeping everyone else alive. My missileer runs out of ammo. The only way I survived was simply tanking all their missiles, leaving them with one sniper, who can only attack once per turn. Eventually took the rest down, with a badly hurt team with almost no ammo left, except for the repairer, and the other shooter on the team, only because his gun is weak but has a crapload of ammo.