100% Chapters 1-4 in Super Meat Boy, and almost ready to collect my 90th bandage by taking on/beating the last warp zone. Captain Viridian, you'll soon be in service.
If I'm feeling masochistic enough, I might try to unlock The Kid next. But I might be reclaiming my >4000 position in the leaderboards soon.
Just now, I currently have 98 bandages, the last 2 are in the Skyscraper warp zone (Rapture chapter 5-1). How did I own with this one? I collected 10 bandages (hard to get ones, mind you) in a single day, with the final 2 being a thorn in my side in a rather annoying warp zone. As if the first level of it wasn't bad enough, the second level I have to repeat again after getting it's bandage, and the last one has one dangerously close to some spikes with the end just as difficult to reach. Think IWTBTG difficulty with the last level's final bout of the warp zone.
Oh yeah, and I've ascended back to a cushy >4k position in the leaderboards again. I think the Steam Summer Sale's SMB achievement was responsible for me plummeting 200+ positions.
Speaking of IWTBTG, I finally unlocked The Kid.
Want proof? Here:
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027446195/screenshot/558662295724741397http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027446195/screenshot/558662295724740994And Captain Viridian in stock (90 bandages):
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027446195/screenshot/558662295724741397And my leaderboard position is now below 3900. HUZZAH!!
Ranked within the 3400 zone and collected all 100 bandages, A+ on all levels of chapters 1-6. YEAH!
Outrunning my old times to get a better refined overall score (no new levels beaten, just refined times to promote my global ranking), in 3-11X, I've managed to legitimately beat that par 24s in 2.4s; literally 1/10th the par time. It is indeed legit, and was accomplished using Meat Boy. Guess how I did it? And also my cumulative time saved from CH1 to 4 total was just barely 5.5 minutes this speed run session.
That alone has promoted me approx 130 ranks, sans new levels beaten. Now approx. ranked globally around 3200.
As it turns out, the latest updates in progress is reworking the leaderboard system. Any times using Steve of Minecraft are all now moot, this is post-prevention of using him to advance scores and still WIP. Which possibly means a default upgrade of my ranking another 100+. Until then, I can only assume via Steam as reference for my ranking.