I was hunting for hours, yet could not find any prey out of a pine-marten that escaped with so much speed in the forest leaving me no chance to find a track.
I moved through the ground that was separated a river in two and spotted at some distance a bear on the other side.
Despite not being much confident in my current abilities and having only a staff and a bunch of rocks, there was a little voice telling me that it was probably going to be the only prey i would find this whole week.
So i decided to go all in and moved toward the beast, managing to get in range without losing it.
I adjusted my aim and threw a rock with some hope it could at least wound the monster somehow.
It missed unfortunately, but it attracted the attention of the bear that turned immediately toward me starting his angry rush.
I wielded my staff that my character was very competent with (it uses the spear skill) and proceeded to try to hit the skull of the raging bear as much as i could, i was a bit surprised that i was managing to dodge all the attempts of the beast to crush, claw or bite me, i checked my stats and my dodge skill was quite nice.
But it's a simple staff and despite my great strength wasn't going to have a kill that easily, but having great strength allowed me to hurt the bear with each of my strikes even if they were glancing off, though the beast moving around didn't allowed most of my strikes to hit their skully target.
Still the bear was hurting a lot with most of his body bruised.
And more importantly when i decided to check his body condition, he was limping !
Ah great new and time for a change of fighting strategy, i started to run away to put some distance as the angry beast was unable to really follow.
And the rain of rocks started.
Ah food and fur, thanks brother bear for your sacrifice that will help this lost Kaumoan to survive while your spirit will roam now free into the eternal forests