Just had a bunch of ridiculous games in a 2 (then 3) stack.
First, a
match with a massive comeback. We had one of those lategame defenses where its obvious the other team has won and you hide in your fountain... except somehow we won the fight. Basically people kept respawning or buying back for relatively little gain. At one point literally everyone died and then I bought back, only to die again with an 80 second respawn timer. We were pretty much played out in exchange for killing 1-2 of their heroes and putting the rest of them at low health and then they just kinda... retreated. I understand why, but we had nothing left, I think we had lost 8 heroes over the course of the whole thing. Later they got aegis and pushed high ground, we killed all of them and then killed their aegis carrier again. That was enough for us to rush over to their side of the map and win before all 5 could respawn.
Second game, I ask my friend to play an
Undying/Bane lane with me. For some ridiculous reason they laned Lion against us; Lion is one of the lowest strength heroes, and Undying can steal a flat amount of strength. In DOTA strength decides your
max HP, and Bane has a high damage nuke ability. We accomplished our goal of ruining their safelane's hopes and dreams, but then lost because aside from our Necro, our team's carries didn't deliver. What made it a weird game is that our Spectres' computer crashed and I spent 10 minutes controlling 2 heroes. Ended up getting a triple kill with Spectre, which was way more than her actual player managed.
Then we played a game where my friend had the brilliant idea of running a trilane. That's a gimmicky strategy run by pro players in specific circumstances. It went horribly.
After that we played
two games where our entire 3 stack randomed. Both games I absolutely destroyed my lane. I had to run Riki (who I main as a support) as a hard carry for the first game... and absolutely trashed my lane, between me and CM we got maybe a dozen kills and I assisted in 2 more ganking the enemy safelane. Second game I traded my Luna for my friend's Witch Doctor, I had never played him before but I ended up going safelane with a Bristleback. We had a rocky start but then I realized I could use a clarity, stand under tower and heal BB indefinitely. As a result of this healing and his own good play, our Bristleback never died. Not even once, and he was playing aggressively. Best part is he was a good sport and randomed as well; not sure he even knew the hero.