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Author Topic: Stormgear Legacy  (Read 882 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Stormgear Legacy
« on: April 27, 2011, 12:33:43 am »

It has started raining.

         It always seemed to rain here. It seemed since we'd crossed the border the rain hadn't let up for more than a few minutes at any point. The caravan rolled along the muddy path, occasionally getting it's wheels stuck in the deep muck. We didn't complain. The other soldiers and I, we would just put our shoulders beneath the wagon and lift, pushing until the wheels came free and we could get moving again.
         The summer was quickly fading, the warm breeze from our homeland, The Mountainhome, extinguished and replaced by a frigid chill that even the stoutest of ales had trouble keeping away. We still did not complain. The other soldiers and I, clad head to toe in iron and adorned with heavy warhammers and axes, gave not a single protest to the unhospitable terrain as we marched. The civilians rode quietly in their wagons, somber at the conditions around them.
         "Wagonmaster. How long til we're there? Me feet's achin' and I ain't had a brew for atleast an hour,'' one of the men from inside the caravan called.
         ''A few days now.'' he replied. It's what he always said. I kept my head up and my eyes ahead. It wouldn't do for the civilians to see a soldier lose heart.
         I adjusted the weight on my backpack and trudged along, hoping to soon see the glorious halls of our new home. I smiled despite myself, and jogged ahead a bit to another soldier ahead of me.
         ''Catten. What did you say the name of the Fortress was?" I asked.
         ''Onolalmosh, Stukos.''
         ''Mountaingleam...'' I grinned again, then nudged Catten in the arm, ''Sounds a hell of a lost better than the Mountainhomes do. Probably with fewer goblins.''
         Catten gave me a harsh glance, the annoyance obvious on his face, even behind the thick bush of red beard.
         ''Mind your tongue, Stukos. It is tragedy that so many have perished in.''
         I nodded my apology. It was true. The Mountainhome was in sad shape, especially with the near continuous goblin raids. Their own caravan used to have three times as many dwarves in it, and the ones with them now were the only survivors. I nodded again, and padded my axe handle on my belt.
          ''Well, hopefully our new home won't have much need o' folks like you or I, hm?'' I offered
          Catten nodded, and smiled slightly, before resuming his gaze ahead, ''I hope yer right, Stormgears. I hope yer right.''


Winter has come on the calendar.


           Stukos Stormgears trudged through the blanket of snow. The white powder came up to his waist, but even ice couldn't stop a determined dwarf. The carts, however, were another story. When the snowfall first came, it did so in the form of a blizzard, and had all but buried the wagons in it's fury. They hadn't lost any lives, however... Stukos assumed that, from what they've been through, this group was just too hard to fall to frozen water. They had to be close now, having put more than three hundred miles between them and their home.
           Stukos raised his head, about ready to call for a break when a snow-laden form came barreling towards them form the front. Immediately, Stukos' axe was out and ready, but quickly lowered once Catten was close enough to be recognized.
           ''We're here! Mountaingleam is just around the next bend in the path. It'll cross a bridge and split north  and east, we take the path east and she's a straight shot.'' he grinned.
           ''Excellent.'' said the wagonmaster, who still lead them despite losing their wagons. Relief was obvious on the faces of the seventeen dwarves attended.
           The group picked up the pace, their weariness forgotten in the wake of new vigor. The distance melted, and soon the dwarves all found themselves in a jog. The bend came and went, as did the bridge. It wasn't very long, perhaps thirty feet. The water below, however, was fast and probably extremely cold. They crossed the bridge and set upon the eastern path. Soon, they saw the dirt path give way to cobbled stone, and statues that lined the road on either side. They weren't the towering monoliths that Stukos had wanted, but they were a welcomed sight nonetheless. The dwarves slowed down, not wanting to seem too eager, when they came to the end of the path.
            Before them was a large hole. It wasn't the intimidating halls that he expected, but this bothered Stukos little. Catten turned to face the group.
            ''Alright get yourselves moving. We're almost out of this me-'' he was cut short as he stumbled backwards, the group confused with the thump sound they'd heard. Catten regained his composure, and coughed, blood soaking the front of his beard. Then Stukos noticed the feathered shaft of an arrow sticking from his friend's throat.
            ''Catten!'' he called as the dwarf fell backwards, choking on his own blood. Another arrow whistled in from the left, hitting one of the civlians in the shoulder. Stukos brought his shield to bear, blue eyes searching for whatever was attacking them. Another arrow, then another came whistling in, missing their marks but causing immediate panic. A third slammed into Stukos' shield, finally knocking him out of his daze.
            ''Everyone inside! On the double! Soldiers cover the retreat!'' He called, like he'd been trained in the Mountainhomes. The civilianz bolted for the cave, and the three remaining soldiers and Stukos fell in form behind them, shields at the ready. Arrows thudded into the iron wall repeatedly as they backed away. Suddenly, forms erupted from the snowbanks. Goblins clad in various pieces of iron equipent, weilding various weapons from silver hammers to whips, cruelly tipped with copper blades.
            ''Full retreat, move it!'' Stukos growled out, and first the outer two dwarves turned and ran, then Stukos and the remaining dwarf. His iron boots slammed into the rocky floor of the cave loudly as he went, the goblins hot on their tails. The dwarf beside him... Dodak, Stukos thought, jolted forwards as a bolt caught him from behind, getting him in the left shoulder.
            ''Dodak, get up, we have to move!'' Stukos pleaded, halting his run. Dodak answered with a slug to the jaw, and pointing towards the cave.
            ''Won't make it. Get yer gone! I'll keep 'em busy, aye!'' He turned and stood, his shield arm limp and useless. Stukos stared a moment, then nodded and ran. The goblins were quick to overwhelm the injured dwarf, bringing him down quickly in a torrent of blades and spears.
            Stukos couldn't watch, for the time cost would get him killed. The cave was getting darker now, and quieter, and only two sounds echoed in his ears. The sound of his own heartbeat, and the clatter of weapons and armor of the goblins behind him. The cave took a sharp right, and he skidded along the floor to make it. This hallway was lit, with torches lining either side. At the end was a short wooden bridge and pair of plain wooden doors. He shook his head and pumped his arms for speed as he ran, hoping against hope that the doors were unlocked.
             A thrown spear glanced off his right shoulder, clattering against the floor infront of him. He jumped over it and lowered his shoulder, ready to tackle the doors and bull rush his way within. Just as his feet hit the bridge, the doors opened, and the suprised dwarf could not stop. He stumbled within, heard the doors slam behind him, and ran face first into a brick wall. Dazed, he stumbled backwards, but shook the stars from his vision and glanced around.
             He was in a small room, barely enough room for him and the surviving two soldiers, and two other dwarves clad in steel by the doors. Beside one was a pair of stone levers.
             ''Glad you could make it laddy. Was wonderin' if we'd be givin' you a bath too.'' one of the soldiers chuckled.
             Curious, Stukos tilted his head, his black beard swaying slightly. The soldier motioned him over and pointed to a small window constructed by the door, which the other soldier had been looking out of. Stukos moved over and heard a click as the first soldier pulled one of the levers.
             The goblins had made it to the bridge, one with a large silver mace stepping towards the wooden doors, barking orders. It seemed annoyed that it's partners didn't simply rip the doors off their hinges, and raised the mace to break open the barrier. The bridge beneath them, however, had no intentions of letting him finish. It rose suddenly and swiftly, revealing a stone reinforcement on the bottom as it slammed shut, crushing the three goblins upon it against the doors and their frames, which from the sound were also reinforced. The remaining goblins, too many for Stukos to count, roared in anger and began hurling weapons at the raised bridge. The soldier smiled and flipped the second lever. Stukos could only stare as one of the constructed walls of the hallway retracted upwards, and a wall of molten rock splashed downwards, collapsing upon the goblins. They screamed and shreiked, anything flammable bursting into flames, and metals turning to slag as the goblins died. Stukos moved away from the window, then back to the first soldier, his face a mask of astonishment.
              ''Clever trap.'' Stukos mused.
              ''Dwarven Engineering.'' the soldier grinned, ''Welcome to Mountaingleam.''
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 12:59:16 am »

          The civilians had already dissolved among the populace, doing whatever work needed to be done, and the other soldiers had been placed in seperate squads, resigned toprotecting this door or that one, or simply training until they were needed. Stukos, being the highest ranking of the soldiers, was being lead to the Baron. He wasn't sure why, but he was in no position to question his orders either. After a few more turns, they stopped before a sec of beautifully ornate gold doors, a stark contrast of the bland smooth stone around them.
          ''Baron Aleth is in here. He's expectin' you.'' The soldier saluted and left.
          Stukos sighed and adjusted his armor, wiping off a few smudges and pushed open the door. He was greeted by the most ornate room he'd never seen, nearly every space of wall and floor adorned in lustrous and elaborate engravings, dwarves and beasts whom he'd never imagined. Sat in the center of the room were two chairs and a table, and in one of them, a plump dwarf with braided orange beard, his smile almost hidden beneath the thick fiery hairs.
          ''Ah, so you're the leader of the recent immigrants?'' the dwarf asked.
          ''Aye sir.'' Stukos nodded.
          ''Good, good. I am Baron Aleth. It's a pleasure. Your caravan, while sorely lacking supplies, will help us a great deal. I understand you brought two very talented mechanics with you. We were in dire need of those... we lost our chief mechanic last week, and the only one we had is missing an arm. Nothing job related, I assure you. Unless ogres are into the mechanics of a dwarven fortress.'' he snickered.
          Stukos was confused for a moment, but shrugged it off. He'd been informed that the leadership of this place might be a bit... aloof.
           ''Aye sir. You have a job for me, sir?" the soldier asked.
          ''Straight to the point! I like you already... what did you say your name was?''
          ''Stukos Togalolon, Stormgears.'' the dwarf held his chest out a bit more at the mention of his name.
          ''Well, Stukos. You're now a captain, and in charge of cavern defense. You'll have a small squad under your command, and your duty will be to hold our lowest outpost. We haven't had much trouble from the caves, so consider it easy duty,'' Aleth smiled, and patted his oversized belly, ''Don't worry Stukos. You'll find you will be well taken care of in Mountaingleam. Your soldiers await.'' Aleth laughed.
           Stukos saluted and bowed, then turned towards the door. Another dwarf stepped in and gave him a curt nod. The soldier returned the gesture and slipped back into the hallway. Just before the doors closed, he heard the baron yell something about demanding beds made of slade, but surely he could not have heard him right. He shrugged and stepped into the hallway, having to stop twice and ask for directions to the lower levels. The fortress seemed as if someone had bent and twisted it in on itself, with mechanisms and piping running here and there, and rooms that made no sense to the soldier. Then again, he wasn't trained in architecture, only how to handle a weapon and defend his people when they couldn't do it themselves.
            He was lost in thought as he descended stairs by what seemed to be the hundreds. He couldn't imagine how far below the surface he must be, and he probably would've managed to fall down the stairs had he tried. It had to have been nearly half an hour of descending before he finally came across two solid quartzite doors.
            Once again he composed himself before stepping through, pushing the heavy doors open and stepping within this new room. Immediately he felt more comfortable here than he had the rest of the entire fortress. It was simple, with two rows of beds on the left wall, two weapon racks and several armor stands. Already in the room were three dwarves, two sparring lazily, and the third laying upon the bed, catching up on some lost sleep.
            ''Oi. I'm Stukos Stormgears, yer new captain.'' he called, moving towards the group. The two sparring stopped immediately, removing their helmets. One was a grizzled older dwarf, a long beard of gray and dark eyes, a scar running along his left cheek. The other was a female dwarf, younger than Stukos by perhaps a few seasons, but with the fire of a veteran burning in her eyes, hid partially behind long bangs of bright orange hair, much liek Aleth's beard. The sleeping dwarf stirred, and rose upon the bed, looking sleepily at Stukos before rolling onto his side. His beard was braided intwo two long braids that went down and looped back up, braiding into his sideburns and back over his ears on either side, coming together in the back and forming one large braid that went down to halfway down his back.
            ''Are ye now?'' the female laughed, her green eyes sparkling in the dim light of the room, given from several torches.
            ''Looks more like a scarless youngling to me.'' the older dwarf grumbled.
            The female laughed and patted him on the shoulder, ''You'll have to excuse Rigoth, he ain't had his morning ale yet.'' she joked, ''My name is Sodel Lonetheater, and this is Rigoth Armorseiged. The sleeping one is Kogan Spikesabres. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain.'' she grinned.
             Stukos found himself blushing, and was glad he had a thick black beard to hide it. He nodded and waved a hand at them, ''Aye, aye. A pleasure for me as well. What's our duties?''
             ''Yer a captain and ye don't know?'' Rigoth rolled his eyes, and Sodel giggled. He pointed to the far door, ''We make sure nothin' comes in that door. Outside is the caverns, we patrol it occasionally to keep it safe. It's our only source o' wood and water that ain't hard as steel.''
             Stukos nodded and moved to the door, pulling it open to glance out. The immediate area was aglow with torches, but beyond to the north was a darker black than night. The south was lit, but only by many torches placed around the shore of a quiet underground lake. A good position for the barracks, he supposed, so near water and set into a high wall. He nodded to himself, and felt a light tap on his shoulder.
             ''I'm sure iron's what the king's own armor is made of where yer from, from around here we got something a bit more suitable.'' Sodel called, and lead the captain to one of the armor stands. He had his own suit, forged of steel complete with shield. He nodded and began to unbuckle his own armor, nodding to Sodel.
             ''Thank you.'' he smiled.
             Sodel shook her head, long orange braid down her back swaying with the motion, ''Don't. It's the same armor our last Captain had, and it didn't do him any good.''
              ''What happened to him?'' Stukos blinked, undoing the buckled on his breastplate and peeling it off his muscled chest.
             ''Drowned. Seems he went to lake and found a hungry fish. Hard to swim when yer in a steel suit.'' She chuckled.
              ''I see.'' Stukos filed that info away for later in his mind. Avoid the water. It also astounded him how everyone he'd met so far seemed completely unbothered by death in this place. A good trait, to be sure, but still... something nagged at him. He shrugged it off and nodded to the others, ''Get them up. Once I get suited up we'll take a patrol. I want to get to know the area as well as I can, as fast as I can.''
              Sodel nodded and grinned brightly,'' Aye, Captain'', she smirked.
              As she bounced off to the others, Stukos went about replacing his worn iron with polished steel, his thoughts racing. This place wasn't the impenetrable hall he'd hope for, but it was vastly better than a cold, unforgotten grave on the hills outside. Beside the now empty rack of armor was a small chest, and Stukos was torn when he opened it. A steel mace, adorned with spikes upon the head. A morningstar. He glanced down to his worn and dulled axe, which had served him many years, then back to the new weapon.
              ''Well.. a Captain outta dress his best, I suppose..'' Stukos muttered, and pulled the weapon free before replacing it with his axe, closing the lid. He swung the weapon a few times, getting a feel for the balance, and nodded when he found it not much different than a hammer or axe, really. He hooked it onto his belt, and glanced to his squad, whom were already outfitted and ready.
              ''Alright. Let's get going. I want to get back quickly, before anything bad has a chance to happen.'' Stukos said, moving towards the door.  He unstrapped his shield from his back, bringing the large, heavy plate to his side, and looping the leather straps around his arm. He pushed the door open, and stepped out into the cave, where every shadow was a nightmare waiting to descend upon him.

[it's 1am. I may pass out, but if I do, I'll continue tomorrow.]
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Carry on, carry on
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Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2011, 01:59:25 am »

I'm enjoying your story so far; is this the story fort idea you floated around before?
Logged if nothing really matters...
The Legend of Tholtig Cryptbrain: 8000 dead elves and a cyclops

Tired of going decades without goblin sieges? Try The Fortress Defense Mod


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2011, 06:58:19 am »

I'm enjoying your story so far; is this the story fort idea you floated around before?

Sorta. I've been itching to write a story for a whilenow, even made a thread to ask if anyone had suggestions to what they wanted toseein it, and this is the result. Anyways, 8am, back to work!
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2011, 07:46:12 am »

          The squad fell behind their new leader almost naturally. Despite their suitsof steel they moved nearly silently through the the cavern brush, a testament to dwarven smithing. Stukos and Rigoth moved behind a large mushroom, the water close now. Sodel and Kogan were crouched a few feet behind them. The cavers were eerily silent, and it made Stukos not want touse any verbal commands. The darkness, however, made hand singles impossible, even with their low light vision. Instead, he simply reached out to tap their armor, then motioning to another mushroom closer to the wall, and near the lake.
          He took a few steps and stopped, hearing a faint clatter. The squad stopped behind Stukos, and after hearing it again by the lake, the captain moved them forwards, wanting to find the source of the noise. They stayedlow and quiet,but moved for speed. Finally, they reached the shore of the lake. Stukos watched the water ripple and churn, looking back to Sodel.
          ''Does the lake have a current?''
          She shook her head, looking as confused as he felt. He motioned for them to follow, and broke into a jog. The group moved quickly across the quiet lake, the silence interrupted only by their strangely soft footsteps, and the occasional clatter of metal from beyond the darkness. Stukos skidded to a stop when he reached a bend in the lake, and once acrouns the corner, he saw the source of the sounds.
          A huge cave crocodile was on the shore, the ground around it awash in blood. It had several wounds, but none deep enough to stop it. Two bodies lay to the side,one torn completely apart, the second's chestplate crushed around it. A third figure stood before the crocodile, wearing a breastplate and helm but little other armor, and brandishing a shield and morningstar much like Stukos' own.
           ''Hang on! We're coming!'' Stukos called, and the four dwarves took off at a sprint towards the creature.
          The figure, a human, was startled by the call, and took his eyes off the crocodile when he should've been watching. The crocodile lurched forwards, it's powerful jaws snapping down around the man's waist. It rolled, slamming him face first into the blood soaked stone, and Stukos grimaced as he saw shards of teeth be spit form the human's mouth. The crocodile released him, and the man swung his weapon at the creature, but it's jaws were once again snapping down on him. This time, however, the croc only caught his right arm, and once again began it's deadly roll. The human screamed as bone was crushed to powder. Skin stretched and ripped away with the sounds of tearing meat. The human screamed and fell backwards, blood gouting out of his new wound.
           "Damn." Stukos growled. The four dwarves leap at the creature, which still seemed busy gnawing on it's prize. Rigoth and Kogan, armed with axes, went to work on the beast's legs, severing the back two before it could even react. It swung it's head around to deal with it's new attackers, but Stukos was ready for it. Brandishing his weapon, he swung hard and caught the beast in the eye, the steel spikes tearing out one of it's reptiallian eyes. The crocodile roared, but was quickly silenced as Sodel finished it with a swipe of her silver hammer. The heavy weapon slammed into it's head, and there was a loud crack as it shattered the bone, bits of it's brain leaking through it's new wounds as the skull gave way to the force of the blow. With a final twitch, it died.
            Stukos immediately moved to the human, who'd grown severely pale. He looked at Stukos, and the dwarf couldn't think of any comforting words to say before his heaving chest slowed and stopped, and the man died. Stukos felt guilt stab him deeply, as it was his call that distracted the human, allowing the beast to attack. He sighed, and placed his morningstar on his belt, and began to look around.
            ''We need to move the bodies. If the lake is our water source, I don't want anyone drinking blood. Especially if the corpses begin to rot.'' he said somberly.
             His troop nodded and went to work, pulling the corpses and pieces of the humans away, setting them on flat higher ground. The four then worked together to move the crocodile, dragging the huge beast up a small hill to deposit along with the other bodies. Stukos dropped the beast, and heard a metallic clank. Confused, he glanced down, the severed arm of the human still tightly clutched between it's teeth. In it's hand was the human's own weapon, the morningstar. However, Stukos could not tell from what material it was made. He reached out, grabbing the weapon by it's handle. It was absurdly light, he noted as he lifted it up, and he frowned. A light hammer weapon? It wasn't any wonder the human hadn't survived his fight with the crocodile. The humans knew nothing of proper weaponsmithing. He threw the thing down, but shielded his eyes as the spike made rough contact with the floor. Stone splintered as the razor sharp spikes gouged into the floor, shearing rock as if it were flesh. Stukos could only blink for a moment before he rethought his previous conclusion, and retreived the weapon again.
            ''Adamantine...'' Rigoth whistled low, approaching Stukos.
            ''What is that?''
            ''Best metal ye can find, that's what. Normally makes for poor maces and hammers... but I guess if yer mace has a bunch o' spikes on it, then it's just as good.'' the veteran mused.
            Stukos agreed, looking down. He shoved the handle into his belt, wincing as the spiked head put a long scratch into his breastplate.
            ''Alright. Let's head back. I'e had enough of these caves for one day.'' Stukos said.
            ''Aye. I could use a drink, and I got a plump helmet roast just a callin' me name...'' Kogan chuckled. Together the group moved out, silent as they had been before. It was time to put the caves behind them, atleast for this patrol. Stukos had a feeling, however, that he and the caves had far from seen the last of one another.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Khorne Flakes: Crunchy & Delicious
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Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2011, 09:22:00 pm »

Very good story so far, looking forward to more.
Yikes, the Orcs have a nasty language.  Traditional foreplay would be right out for them; how would they ever "say my name" for one another?  No wonder Ocrs are always so bloodthirsty and violent, they're getting sub-par action.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2011, 04:10:37 pm »

[ Going to postpone this for a bit. I live in Georgia, and as some of you know, we're having some pretty bad weather. The town of Ringgold was nearly completely leveled by an F5 tornado, 15 confirmed dead. Another 90mph tornado hit Madison, not 15 minutes from me. I got some stuff to take care of, but once this clears up I'll start writing again. ]
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2011, 07:09:48 pm »

           Weeks had gone by with little to no action for the cavern clearing crew. Stukos was glad for this. Several seiges had come from the nearby Goblin fortress, as they had the day he had arrived, but they were ended nearly before they'd begun by a series of ingenius traps. There had been a Bronze Colossus that wandered the surface, but it had ignored the fortress entirely and moved on.
           Another day, another endless stream of sparring for the cave clearing crew.
           Stukos and Sodel stood back to back, with Kogan and Rigoth circling them, axes held in a ready stance. Sodel swung with her hammer, but Kogan caught it at an angle on his shield and let it slide down to the floor. The side of the axe came arcing in and clanged loudly against her helmet. Stukos stole a glance behind him at the sound, and Rigoth took the opportunity presented. He charged ferociously, chopping with his axe. Stukos, suprised by the ferocity of Rigoth's attacks, barely managed to swing his shield to deflect the vicious blows. He countered with a low swing of the morningstar, and Rigoth lifted one booted foot, letting the weapon clang against the inside of his right foot, then stomped down with his left, pinning the morningstar down by the handle. He grinned and delivered an overhead chop with his axe, but Stukos lifted his shield above him, stopping the blow cold. He strained the muscled in his neck and slammed his head forwards, his steel helmet bashing against the front of Rigoth's breastplate. The older dwarf jumped backwards, momentarily stunned by the move, alloweding Stukos to retreive his morningstar.
           "Nice move, youngling..'' Rigoth mused.
           ''My father always told me to use my head when the odds were against me.''
           ''Smart man, yer pappy.'' Rigoth grinned.
           Sodel wasn't doing nearly as well, swinging the heavy hammer again and again, but Kogan expertly parried and dodged, avoiding blows by mere inches before slamming the flat of his axe against her armor. Enraged, her attacks came more and more fiercly, but Kogan just bided his time, not stopping her powerful blows but redirecting their momentum with his shield and weapon, allowing her to tire herself out. Stukos glanced back to her for just a moment, and smiled to himself. He launched a swing forwards, but the attack was easily blocked by Rigoth. Confused by his lack of strength in the blow, Rigoth quirked an eyebrow, then his eyes went wide when he realized his mistake. The shield he held infront of him was the perfect spring board. Stukos jumped, and brought both feet up, kicking hard into the raised shield, braced by the old dwarf's own body. Stukos used that energy to propel himself backwards, shield held out to slam directly into Kogan, bringing the axe weilding soldier down to the ground. Almost as if on que, Sodel swung her hammer backwards, catching Rigoth in the side as he stared at Stukos, sending the veteran sprawling onto the floor with a loud thump and a new dent in his shining armor.
           Stukos stood, and held his morningstar high, staring down at Kogan while Sodel now squared off with the fallen Rigoth.
           ''Teamwork. If your partner needs help, give it if you can.'' Stukos grinned.
          ''And if you can't, set it up so you can.'' Rigoth finished, climbing to his feet and setting his shield aside, looking down at the side of his armor, ''Dammit Sodel, the smiths are backed up as it is, it'll be a week before I can get this hammered out.''
           ''Take it off, I'm sure I can hit it just as hard from the other side.'' Sodel grinned, giving him a wink.
           Laughing, Rigoth shook his head, ''Alright, youngling. Don't get cocky. Might get yerself killed,'' he set his shield down, and lowered his axe, ''Alright, done fer the day. I'm starvin'.''
           ''Don't need to tell me twice.'' Kogan called, hooking his axe on his belt and reaching up, undoing the clasp that kept his helmet on.
           Stukos relaxed and plopped down on a nearby bed, reaching up to pull his helm off, shaking his head softly, ''If we don't get some excitement soon, I'm likely to start pickin' fights just for fun.'' the Captain mused.
           ''Fights you'd surely be losin'.'' Sodel grinned, punching him in the shoulder as she moved by him.
           ''Bah! In yer dre..'' he was cut off by a sudden shake in the ground beneath him.
           The four soldiers were up on their feet immediately, reaching for their weapons and shields. Kogan glanced towards the door to the caverns, unlocked to allow for passage, since there were some woodcutters gathering nearby mushroom stalks.
           ''Earthquake?'' he asked.
           A moment later there was another shake, then a pause, then another. Stukos shook his head and kept his eyes glued to the door, pulling his helmet back on his head and fastening the buckle beneath his beard.
           ''No...'' he said, ''...footsteps.''
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2011, 10:35:34 pm »

The Forgotten Beast Brimar has come! A gigantic bipedal turtle. It's shell is thick. It's claws are razor sharp. It is covered in scales, set close together. Beware it's poisonous bite!


            The dwarves were quick to the door, and Stukos was the first, grabbing the handle and pulling it open. The darkness was all encompassing, the only light from two torches set close to the door. Stukos frowned, straining his eyes into the darkness to see if he could find the source of the shaking. The ground itself rumbled beneath him, but his moment of hesitation was quickly squashed by Dwarven bravery.
            "Let's go. Maybe if we can stop whatever's makin' this racket, we can still make it to dinner 'fore it gets cold." Stuko said, lightly tapping his shield with his morningstar. His troops nodded in agreement and fell in behind him. The door slowly slid closed, and the sudden silenc was deafening.
            Silent as they could be, the four soldiers crept across the mossy cavern floor, Stukos in front with eyes forward, Kogan watching left flank and Rigoth on the right, with Sodel watching their backs, as they has trained and practiced for weeks on end. Aside from the occasional wild animal charging the wood cutters, they hadn't seen any real combat as a unit aside from the crocodile so long ago.
            The lake was nearing, and the pitch blackness had caused the dwarves' low light vision to kick in, casting everything in a dark gray, absorbing the minute amount of light and amplifing it for their dwarven eyes. The water churned softly, and they could hear the gentle lapping of waves against the shoreline. Stukos frowned, not having to ask if the lake had a current; he knew it did not.
            The captain turned to his soldiers, looking them over. They were combat ready, and capable.. but he sincerely hoped that whatever was big enough to make the earth itself shake, wouldn't test their mettle today.


            The ancient creature sat upon the shore, it's long scaly tail swaying in the water behind it. Water dripped from it's back and body, falling into the diluted red puddle beneath it. It hadn't eaten in days, but had found a wandering blind ogre that had strayed too close. Quickly it had seized the beast in it's razor claws, tearing flesh even though it had only grabbed it. The ogre struggled, but the beast barely noticed, squeezing the thing to make it more compliant with it's demands.
            Bone claws dug deeply into ogre flash, the rips ripping into heart and lugs, spilling it's blood upon the floor. It struggled a bit more, but what becoming weaker and weaker, until it ceased to move altogether. Satified it had subdued the creature, Brimar brought it up towards it's mouth, opening to reveal row upon row of sharpened fangs. It bit down upon the ogre, holding it's legs and wrenching it's jaws around. The air was filled with the sound of tearing meat and a splash of blood upon the stone below.
            Slowly, the beast began to chew, savoring the freshness of the kill. Bones and all, the ogre was devoured, blood dripping from the beast's maw as it pondered it's next meal. It was still hungry, as a single ogre wouldn't fill it up at all.
            Brimar tilted it's head, a new scent upon the air. It sniffed, nostrils flaring as it looked left and right, then back towards the water. Across the lake, it's superior darkvision noting four small shapes on the far shore. The beast's tongue slid free, running over it's bloodstained lips. They were smaller than the ogre, but there were four of them. If it could catch them, all together they would make a fine meal.
            Slowly, the ancient being crouched low, placing it's hands into the cool cavern water. Silently it eased forwards, plunging it's face, then it's body, into the water and using it's claws to guide it's body forwards, til the water was deep enough that it's tail could do the job. A millenia of hunting had taught it stealth, despite it's huge size, and it made not a sound as it closed in on the shore, as it closed in on it's next meal.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Stormgear Legacy
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2011, 11:14:46 pm »

         Stukos thought he heard a sound, like tearing meat. It caused a cold chill to run along his spine, but that was quickly stomped out by a bit of liquid dwarven courage. He replaced the cap on his flask, placing it back upon his belt. The captain sighed and watched the waters as they churned and swirled. Sodel moved up beside him, eyes cast into the shadows.
         "Ye think whatever it was, has gone?" she asked in a whisper.
         Stukos should his head, not taking his eyes off the water below, ''No. It's here. I just don't know where."
         Kogan and Rigoth had peered around the immediate area, but had found nothing. They moved towards the pair now, axes held loosely in their grasp.
         "Nothin'. I say we split up, ye two take the north, Rigoth and meself take south along the shore. We see anything we meet back here.'' Kogan offered to the Captain.
        ''These two? Alone? I don't think much scoutin' would get done.'' Rigoth chuckled softly.
         Stukos shook his head, peeling his gaze away from the water, "No, if we split up and whatever it is finds us, we'd be divided. I want all four of us to move together. We skirt the lake and come back 'round. We see anythin', we handle it together.''
         He glanced back to the shoreline, and wrinkled his brow in concern. The shoreline barely moved now, calming from what it had been moments before. He sighed deeply, getting a bad feeling in his belly. He frowned more so when he realized that he smelled blood on the air.
         ''Back away slowly.. we need to get out o' here.'' he whispered.
         ''What's got ye riled?" Rigoth asked.
         No sooner had the question left his mouth did the water beside them explode into motion. All four of the soldiers were drenched in a covering of cavern water.  Kogan slipped on the now slick stone beneath him, falling to the ground. Rigoth and Sodel dropped, thinking the dwarf had dodged something they could not see. Stukos turned, raising his shield instinctively. There was a loud echo as something connected with his shield, sparks flying and the dwarf being thrown backwards. He rolled along the ground, letting out a yelp of pain. Jagged gouges ran deep through his shield, nearly dissecting it into parts. The armor of his gauntleted hand and arm was also torn, bloody cuts set depe into his flesh.
          Kogan and Sodel could only gawk at what was before them. Easily it stood over fifty feet high, covered in dark green scales. Upon it's back was a thick brown shell, glistening in the low light. It stood upon two powerful legs, though it's farms hung low, thick with muscles and tipped, like it's feet, in thick black claws that ripped the stone apart under it's weight. It's head was squat, with a green ridge and thick spikes along it's raised ears, oranges slitted eyes, and a mouth filled with huge fangs. It roared down to them, a sound that echoed violently around them.
          The sound brought them out of their daze. Sodel and Kogan were on their feet, standing between the beast and Stukos, who clutched his damaged arm. Rigoth picked his axe up from the ground, standing a bit to the left of the creature.
          ''We gotta go!'' Kogan called, throwing away silence in the face of this adversary.
          ''Won't make it.'' Rigoth said matter of factly.
          ''So we die?'' Sodel asked, torn between keeping her eyes on the advancing beast, and the wounded Stukos.
          ''Nope. Get yer gone. Take the boy with ye.'' Rigoth said, moving to stand between the three and the beast.
          ''Rigoth, yer gone mad!'' Kogan said, and stepped forwards, reaching out to grab Rigoth's arm. The Veteran dwarf reacted quickly, side stepping Kogan's hand, and backhanding him with the shield, clanging it off his helmet.
          ''I said get yer gone! Ain't got alot o' time and yerself ain't needin' to be wastin' it! Now go!'' he growled, and turned back to the beast. Slowly it crouched, eyeing the group as if selecting which to consume first. Kogan, dazed from the blow, shook the dizziness form his head, looking back at Sodel who was pulling Stukos to his feet. Pleadingly, he looked back to Rigoth, who didn't even have to glance back.
          ''I'd say go before Sodel has to carry the both of ye, but I ain't got time to be dealin' with a stubborn brat right now! Go, 'fore there ain't none of us left to lock the damned door!" he roared, and slamed his axe on his shield, ''This is fer Mountaingleam, ye overgrown soup bowl!"
         The old dwarf jumped forwards, just as the beast pounced. The dwarf was as stubborn as the rock around him, however, and when the beast hit, he did not move. Stoically he held his shield as let the creature slam against it. Moving quickly, he shieldbashed it's face again before it could react. Enraged, it right to swipe with it's right arm, to rip this annoying, bearded little thing to shreds. Rigoth raised his shield, placing it against the monster's bicep, and was only pushed along the ground as he moved within it's reach. His powerful neck muscles bulged and snapped as he launched his helmed head forwards, smashing it against the creature's lower lip. Broken teeth showered the area around him, and the beast roared in pain.
         Tearing his eyes from the spectacle, Kogan turned and helped Sodel drag Stukos to his feet. The captain shook his head, trying to clear his vision. He left lift headed, and he couldn't lift his shield arm.
        ''Where's... where's Rigoth?" Stukos mumbled, feeling faint from blood loss.
        ''Makin' himself a hero.'' Sodel said, taking one more glance behind them before they started running.


        "I've fought elves that had a deadlier kiss 'n yerself!" Rigoth called in defiance, his left leg quickly becoming numb from a bite on his left thigh. Blood leaked from rips in his armor, but still he stood, adrenaline pumping through his stout form.
        The beast, now sporting a ragged gash across it's left eye, snarled and swiped at the dwarf, who raised his shield, catching the claws at an angle and deflecting them harmlessly above him. He countered with a hack of his steel axe, the blade biting into the creature's bicep. It howled and kicked outwards, catching the dwarf in the chestplate. Steel buckled and bent, the veteran soldier flying backwards, bouncing along the cavern floor like a stone. Quickly it followed, and before the dwarf could stand another kick was delivered to his prone form. The strike hit him in the shield arm, bending the steel easily around the dwarf's arm, shattering the bone beneath. The dwarf's body bounced off a boulder, and he skidded down the side of a short hill, coming to rest at the bottom. Defiantly, he rose on shaking legs, and glanced up the hill.
        Enraged by the pain this creature had caused, the beast seemed to focus entirely upon Rigoth, who smiled, "Aye, come get some more ye goblin-lovin' bastard..."
        The dwarf coughed, spitting blood and teeth from his mouth. He looked down at his shield, bent uselessly around his broken arm. He glanced back up at the beast, which advanced down the hill, having to duck in this area of low ceiling. He cocked his right arm back, and waited.
        "Just a little closer... just a little closer ye unicorn-smellin' ratfeast.." he growled, and the beast opened it's mouth and roared, now mere feet from the dwarf. It lurched it's head forwards, wanting to devour this troublesome thing. Rigoth was ready, and dodged left, launching his axe as he fell. The weapon spun end over end, and slammed into the side of Brimar's neck. It howled in agony, one clawed hand reaching up and violently scratching at it's scaled throat. It dislodged the axe, causing several new deep wounds in the process, and it's eyes clouded over in a red haze.
        Rigoth readied himself, struggling to stand but still focused upon his enemy. He had to give Stukos and the other younglings time to get away, and with a wounded comrade, every second mattered. Brimar turned, slashing at the dwarf but was he was just short, his depth perception ruined by his torn eye. The stone before the dwarf was sliced apart, and the dwarf didn't even flinch. Quite the opposite. He charged forwards and jumped, somehow finding the strength to raise his good arm, as well as his shattered arm, and grabbed a hold of the thing's scaly face. It snapped at him, teeth ripping into steel armor. Blood seeped out and filled the thing's mouth, the beats shaking the dwarf to try and dislodge him or tear him apart, neither plan working. Rigoth was above pain, his will to give his friends enough time keeping him from death's gate.
          "That ain't how ye bite, ye gleamin' yak turd. This is how ye do it!" he snapped his head forwards and bit down upon the thing's one good eye, clenching his jaw until the orb burst in his mouth, it's black ichor squirting upon Rigoth's face. The dwarf wrenched and tore with his jaws, and the monster shrieked in pain and rage, blinded. It's claws grabbed a hold of the dwarf, and pulled until he was torn from the thing's face. Scales were ripped apart and flesh torn as the dwarf was dislodged. Rigoth was smiling, the creature's poison having already begun to paralyze the dwarf, numbing the pain he'd staved off with pure will. Violently, Brimar slammed him down upon the stone floor, and his steel armour screeched as he was crushed against the stone. Blood splattered behind him, and the beast wasted no time stabbing with it's claws, and opening the dwarf like a steel barrel. It lowered it's face, biting into it's meal, and ended the dwarf's thoughts forever. It raised it's head, howling in victory, the horrible sound drifting through the caverns, the last sound Rigoth would ever hear.
Dragonwork, A Successful Failure.
Legacy of Insightshields
Many more made tales in this hall,
before the stronghold found it's fall.
An enemy none could stop or yield,
had taken over Insightshields.