Honestly, it was just a few replies down the page. This is a good example of what's so irritating about all this; there are daily examples of people going "hey guise whats going on in this thread?" when the answer is right there in front of them.
When people "have the answer right in front of them," they don't always understand it. I, for example, read through all the stuff in the Sad thread, then still asked what the hell I had missed, because I didn't understand one bit of it.
So I'm sorry, but I'd rather have someone make a seemingly crappy post and then know what's going on so they can post relevantly than for them not to make the crappy post and end up thinking the situation is wildly different than it actually is.
Please also do not portray this as some kind of freedom of speech issue. What you're doing is like walking into a Liberal party conference and telling everyone that a) they should be more conservative and b) no matter what they write in their manifesto, conservatives will still be conservative so why bother?
No it's not. Conservatives will still be conservative, yes, but if enough liberals get elected, they won't be able to do their conservative stuff in the government. This is a situation in which, whether you manage to come up with an unofficial document or not, people will still be capable of posting crap posts.
So unless you get it signed into official rules by the Toad, then it won't affect much of anyone aside those who think their own crap posting is bad, because those who don't think their crap posting is bad won't agree to it and continue crap posting, and those who don't crap post anyways will agree to it, but have no need to change themselves.
It's nice that you're trying to do something, but I'm not entirely sure this is the way to go about it.